Ok, Chris at odbweldingwerks, is currently working on my awdk24 swap and I'm trying to convince him to make shock tower extentions for wagons. Bay looks great btw.
Man that is a clean looking fit. Do you know how long it'll be before they are available to the regular folks?
Just checked Finishing Lines FB page and there EF specific tucked brake like kit is currently available for purchase. Let them know your set up meaning OEM brake booster/prob valve or willwood brake booster delete/willwood prop valve. If your planing on using willwood's brake booster delete look at pic below for example. If you want the 90 degree firewall bulk head fitting let them know cause that was my suggestion/upgrade for the kit. All lines will be labeled upon delivery if your wondering. They can also do different color ways so plan ahead for the color scheme of your engine bay.
That's a really nice happy medium, cleans up the bay very well but not crazy like some of the show cars. I like to think of it as oem+.
I like how Finishing Lines tucked kit turned out and there kit actually reduces the length of OEM lines due to efficient line routing. OEM+ i like that term.
I like how Finishing Lines tucked kit turned out and there kit actually reduces the length of OEM lines due to efficient line routing. OEM+ i like that term.
I'd be lying if I said I came up with that but I think it fits great.
No one comments on this? Yet again another wagon pushing the bar up on how good the shuttle can be. This thing is turning on the beast mode! That, header, intake manifold, supercharger, straight up engine porn. Cannot wait for this thing to hit the dyno!
Finally sourced the last piece to the JRSC set-up which was missing in the picture above. Had to use a 96 civic EX alternator needed the 4-rib/3-groove pulley.
Thats the first D series LHT setup i've ever seen, can't wait to see some results!
Found out about LHT Performance back in 2010/11 when i was researching JRSC's. Read that LHT's sytem dropping IAT's significantly compared to non-modified manifolds running 3.2in - 3in blower pulley/10psi. Still waiting on my engine harness from wire-worx so will definitely be a while till i find out how my set-up performs.
No one comments on this? Yet again another wagon pushing the bar up on how good the shuttle can be. This thing is turning on the beast mode! That, header, intake manifold, supercharger, straight up engine porn. Cannot wait for this thing to hit the dyno!
Thank you sir... I try to bring my own style to the community like many others before me, really hope i have influenced the wagon scene in a positive light.
my setup uses a single laminova core welded into the intake. it dropped IAT's by a good 40c! Id imagine 2 cores would be even better
Thanks Gizmo for sharing your experience on your single laminova core setup. Love your build thread by the way i got some of my pulley questions answered by reading your thread. To bad i won't be able to provide before and after results but oh well..... I 'll just provide after modification results :cool:.
That engine is looking like new bro, this thing is wild.
Imagine how i felt when i seen my engine sitting in my painted engine bay with LHT's manifold just staring at me! SPEECHLESS :triumphant:! I really want to see how bisi's 2.4 turbo cam performs and if she doesn't perform well due to aggressive profile grind then i'll just save up and test another from bisi's Y8 cam option list. I really just want to be in the 280-300whp range and full boost at 2k at the end of it all....
And the story goes on....
tight fit
Brake booster lines just mm away from SC pulley/belt but then again lines isn't tightened down and in actual position yet. If you look real close you can see that i had to use Pulley Boys Jackson Racing pulley spacer with there Jackson 4-groove keyed pulley combo on my set-up to line up with the 4pk belt. Take a look at page 6 about a 1/4 of the way down for more info.
top down
LHT manifold/AEM FPR/RC injectors 750cc/SC unit. Sorry for the ugly valve cover having my 1.6 VTEC VC powder coated spoon yellow w/polished letters.
Skunk2 alpha rad/LHT W2A radiator and header view
Header peaking thru....
Keep up the good work! I'm very interested to see how the turbo-grind cam does. I was concerned about overlap, and as I didn't see a supercharged cam option, went with a stock one. I was too busy with other mods!
I'd like to see some lower intake temps, but haven't really applied the water injection to its full potential. I spend most of the time creeping along anyway.
I made up my mind and I'm sticking with the OEM air box gut the internal baffles and minus stock piping or i'll just cut the air tube to length for that OEM+ feel.
Got my engine bay fitted with these....
And another EF wagon in the adjacent bay gettin' that work.
Love this engine set up, cant wait to see a vid of it running
In due time hopefully will be soon cause i'm still waiting on my mil-spec engine harness from wireworx dot com. I'll definitely post a vid on civicwagon.com first before i post on EF HEAVEN FB page.
Builds like this keep me motivated, thumbs up sir.
I had good examples before me and all i'm trying to do is give that motivation from my build to others like how other builds from members before my time pre-2011 on the site motivated in me.
Keep up the good work! I'm very interested to see how the turbo-grind cam does. I was concerned about overlap, and as I didn't see a supercharged cam option, went with a stock one. I was too busy with other mods!
I'd like to see some lower intake temps, but haven't really applied the water injection to its full potential. I spend most of the time creeping along anyway.
I'm planning on having the IAT sensor installed right before the TB or may be after the TB? but ill definitely post up helpful information on the site to help others so they don't have to PM me. I really like it when you read a build thread and don't have to ask questions cause all the answers were in the build thread for all to see. Yeah that turbo grind on my bisi 2.4 turbo cam is another thing but ohh well i was going turbo at the time of purchase but when i seen the potential of LHT's JRSC option and my theme was to try to keep that 90's era feel so that's why i picked supercharged. I'll eventually go turbo in the future but SC'd is it for the time being....
The bay looks awesome and I can appreciate all of the work that went into your setup. Keep up the good work, sir!
Thank you sir, this is my 1st build thread so hopefully i'll be happy at the end of my build. Nahhhhh i don't think there is an end to anyone's build, EF specific car enthusiast problems....lol
I keep looking at my build thread and tell my self the same thing then start thinking of how can I innovate my build and bring my style to fruition.
That custom wagon chassis fitted Tanabe Medalion T70027 Touring cat-back exhaust system tho....
The transfer-case in the in the middle of the picture is the reason why all aftermarket D-Series headers don't fit RT4wd models without modification of some sort. Companies that do offer aftermarket D-series headers didn't take into account of the transfer-case being in the location as pictured below. No company has made a D-series header that has addressed this problem for 88-91 RT4wd owners.
That's some great work! Makes me wanna conver to 4WD just so I'll have a reason to weld up a new exhaust =D
I think if you eventually tackle that idea you'll probably keep you wagon due to all the modifications. You could definetly perform that upgrade and document it. That quick link would benefit others in the future.
I made up my mind and I'm going to work with Bisimoto Engineering to come up with a custom cam profile to compliment a LHT performance modified JRSC manifold/fresh rebuilt M45 unit w/my specific supporting mods. Dammmm with the amount of time and money spent I don't think I'm ever going to sell my 4th gen chassis RT4wd wagon. I'm for sure going to keep it in the family and pass it down to my son or future daughter...
Oooo I'm keen to see what they come up with on the cam, I'd definitely be interested as my setup is similar to yours!
I will definitely keep you up to date regarding my custom cam collaboration w/Bisimoto engineering. I've been following your build as well and i think i should have opt for the black edition but ohh well next time around when i pick up another D-series JRSC. Keep up the good work on your ride i love it!
Your intake temp. sensor needs to be in the plenum with the cooler cores. What you'll need to know is the charge air temperature as it is inducted.
Found a solution to my problem due to intercooler rods being in the way... (this isn't my manifold its just an example)
Spacer needed for my LHT Performance modified manifold. (this isn't my spacer its just an example)
Innovative traction bar is the one you want. It should fit with no mod.
My research led me to a USA based company, ExplicitSpeedPerformance.net. I'll prob get this in brushed form. Still searching for more options but we'll see.
It's a k24a2 and BTW he is finally coming out with some shock tower extentions they should be ready by the beginning of the year.
I'd be lying if I said I came up with that but I think it fits great.
Package 1 of 2 has arrived, still waiting for 2 of 2 to complete LHT's package deal...
last piece to the kit arrived the next day.
Individual pieces
Thats the first D series LHT setup i've ever seen, can't wait to see some results!
bout ready to drop in
Tanabe exhaust fitment test, exhaust sits really low and still needs custom piping.
my setup uses a single laminova core welded into the intake. it dropped IAT's by a good 40c! Id imagine 2 cores would be even better
Thank you sir... I try to bring my own style to the community like many others before me, really hope i have influenced the wagon scene in a positive light.
Thanks Gizmo for sharing your experience on your single laminova core setup. Love your build thread by the way i got some of my pulley questions answered by reading your thread. To bad i won't be able to provide before and after results but oh well..... I 'll just provide after modification results :cool:.
Imagine how i felt when i seen my engine sitting in my painted engine bay with LHT's manifold just staring at me! SPEECHLESS :triumphant:! I really want to see how bisi's 2.4 turbo cam performs and if she doesn't perform well due to aggressive profile grind then i'll just save up and test another from bisi's Y8 cam option list. I really just want to be in the 280-300whp range and full boost at 2k at the end of it all....
And the story goes on....
tight fit
Brake booster lines just mm away from SC pulley/belt but then again lines isn't tightened down and in actual position yet. If you look real close you can see that i had to use Pulley Boys Jackson Racing pulley spacer with there Jackson 4-groove keyed pulley combo on my set-up to line up with the 4pk belt. Take a look at page 6 about a 1/4 of the way down for more info.
top down
LHT manifold/AEM FPR/RC injectors 750cc/SC unit. Sorry for the ugly valve cover having my 1.6 VTEC VC powder coated spoon yellow w/polished letters.
Skunk2 alpha rad/LHT W2A radiator and header view
Header peaking thru....
I'd like to see some lower intake temps, but haven't really applied the water injection to its full potential. I spend most of the time creeping along anyway.
Got my engine bay fitted with these....
And another EF wagon in the adjacent bay gettin' that work.
I had good examples before me and all i'm trying to do is give that motivation from my build to others like how other builds from members before my time pre-2011 on the site motivated in me.
I'm planning on having the IAT sensor installed right before the TB or may be after the TB? but ill definitely post up helpful information on the site to help others so they don't have to PM me. I really like it when you read a build thread and don't have to ask questions cause all the answers were in the build thread for all to see. Yeah that turbo grind on my bisi 2.4 turbo cam is another thing but ohh well i was going turbo at the time of purchase but when i seen the potential of LHT's JRSC option and my theme was to try to keep that 90's era feel so that's why i picked supercharged. I'll eventually go turbo in the future but SC'd is it for the time being....
Thank you sir, this is my 1st build thread so hopefully i'll be happy at the end of my build. Nahhhhh i don't think there is an end to anyone's build, EF specific car enthusiast problems....lol
I keep looking at my build thread and tell my self the same thing then start thinking of how can I innovate my build and bring my style to fruition.
That custom wagon chassis fitted Tanabe Medalion T70027 Touring cat-back exhaust system tho....
The transfer-case in the in the middle of the picture is the reason why all aftermarket D-Series headers don't fit RT4wd models without modification of some sort. Companies that do offer aftermarket D-series headers didn't take into account of the transfer-case being in the location as pictured below. No company has made a D-series header that has addressed this problem for 88-91 RT4wd owners.
If anyone is looking for JRSC D-Series Gen 1-4 install instructions w/JRPN's here you go >> https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B6fP58Ir8r9PZmM4OTljMjMtMDkxZi00NzMwLThhZTItMmIyNTgzMjVhMzM0&usp=drive_web&urp=https://www.google.com/url?sa%3Dt%26rct%3Dj%26q%3D%26esrc%3Ds%26so&ddrp=1&pli=1&hl=en
I made up my mind and I'm going to work with Bisimoto Engineering to come up with a custom cam profile to compliment a LHT performance modified JRSC manifold/fresh rebuilt M45 unit w/my specific supporting mods. Dammmm with the amount of time and money spent I don't think I'm ever going to sell my 4th gen chassis RT4wd wagon. I'm for sure going to keep it in the family and pass it down to my son or future daughter...
Found a solution to my problem due to intercooler rods being in the way... (this isn't my manifold its just an example)
Spacer needed for my LHT Performance modified manifold. (this isn't my spacer its just an example)
My research led me to a USA based company, ExplicitSpeedPerformance.net. I'll prob get this in brushed form. Still searching for more options but we'll see.