I've been thinking about putting my HF transmission in this car. I've got a family situation that will require repeated 800 mile trips to Texas.
I didn't like the HF in my other wagon, but it was a tired dpfi motor, and I rarely get on interstates- never in my commute. It sucked for hilly stop-and-go :P
Well, I haven't seen this car in months...until it broke down. Replaced the starter with a used one from my stash.
Got it running and it was skipping like crazy. Checked the plugs, wires, cap, rotor. All ignition checked out. Checked compression, that was ok as well. #4 still skipping, so I pulled the fuel rail and injectors. Cleaned the nozzles up and got them all spraying nicely, now she runs great again. Put a bottle of injector cleaner in the tank just for maintenance.
I didn't like the HF in my other wagon, but it was a tired dpfi motor, and I rarely get on interstates- never in my commute. It sucked for hilly stop-and-go :P
You need anything.
Need to schedule a saturday or sunday with ya once the wagon is in my driveway again.
Finally made time to fix the exhaust today, and replaced the catalytic converter.
Anne's birthday is next month, gotta get smogged!
Replaced the whole center section with another used one. There was a hole near the axle-back flange.
Used the OE flanges to weld in a new universal cat
Got it running and it was skipping like crazy. Checked the plugs, wires, cap, rotor. All ignition checked out. Checked compression, that was ok as well. #4 still skipping, so I pulled the fuel rail and injectors. Cleaned the nozzles up and got them all spraying nicely, now she runs great again. Put a bottle of injector cleaner in the tank just for maintenance.
have you taken ownership of this one yet there DrMorty..???
i will gladly relocate that shell to my place to make room ... LOL