Thanks man, I do actually. Would clay barring it make it look any better? Depending on where im at I may hold off on paint n body and wheels and suspension.
Oh, okay, well now I guess I'll get to learn what a parking pole is. If it's what I think I've seen them before and wondered what they were for. Does it raise and lower?
Yea, it goes on the end of the bumper and tells where the front is to park in tight spots. It also lights up green. And has an H on the top. Will post pics when done.
I'm likeing the progress! Any cleaning/detailing information you need let me know. I have a shop up here in my neck of the woods, we do it all and i can give you an insight on any confusing questions! Check us out,
As much as i want to do rhd, it wont happen for a long time so it's supposed to be on the passenger side so thats where it will go. As far as the light I thought about maybe changing it but may cause legal issue's. That might be why its green, If it were a normal light color it could be mistaken for something else. It looks cool green too though.People may ask why because it wont serve a purpose in the US, but There isnt much that one can do to stand out from the crowd anymore. Yes I know it's been done but not as much as alotta other things. Not trying to be a jdm whore by no means. They do have some really cool stuff though. Sorry just wanted to answers that question before it was asked.
I hadn't thought of legal issues but it's good that you are thinking ahead. Green should see you right. You could probably get away with amber as well. And if you do any parallel parking it could still serve a purpose, or even pulling into tight parking spaces.
True, might look into the amber, maybe it would atleast match my corners and bumper lights. I do have another little thing im doing but, that will have to wait. Dont want it stolen before I get a chance to do it. I have never seen it done either.
So I may have a chance to trade for my old 88 RT, Need some help with the actual decision. I found out that the drive shaft has been broken so theres one thing. Also It does have the brown interior. It does a sohc zc and from what I remember was in pretty good shape. After all ive done would it be a good trade?
So I may have a chance to trade for my old 88 RT, Need some help with the actual decision. I found out that the drive shaft has been broken so theres one thing. Also It does have the brown interior. It does a sohc zc and from what I remember was in pretty good shape. After all ive done would it be a good trade?
Next weekend I think he's comming out so we can look over'em. I dont know though. I got my box built pics later, and got the wiring in for the parking pole. I was like what but, It is plug and play and really easy. The hard part is cutting a hole in my bumper. Oh I will keep all that if I do trade though.
Ran into a problem today, trying to mount up the pole. Seems all the bumpers have the place to mount these things on our driver side. Has were to cut and everything. So trying to figure out how to mount it on the passanger side and and cant come up with anything. Should I just put it on the drivers side? That is the question?
Ran into a problem today, trying to mount up the pole. Seems all the bumpers have the place to mount these things on our driver side. Has were to cut and everything. So trying to figure out how to mount it on the passanger side and and cant come up with anything. Should I just put it on the drivers side? That is the question?
I don't think I'd put one on my driver's side. I can see the utility if it's on the passenger side; it does what it's meant to do but if it's on the driver's side it's just for giggles. There's a lot to be said for giggles but I don't want to be mistaken for a JDM fetishist, lol.
Did a little bit today. Here are some pics,maybe you can figure it out. When I pulled them apart I noticed that some of the reflective has chipped off. Anyone know how to fix that?
Ok so today, I had a friend come over and help me mount the bumper pole. It is now mounted,just have to wire up the light and take some pics. They will be up in a few days though when I get it all back together. It's about 2 inches from where it supposed to be but looks pretty good.
Did a little bit today. Here are some pics,maybe you can figure it out. When I pulled them apart I noticed that some of the reflective has chipped off. Anyone know how to fix that?
My only idea would be to try some of that "chrome" spray paint. DupliColor makes one but a quick google search suggests there are other, better, more expensive brands out there as well. Here's a link to a youtube vid testing the DupliColor product over different base coats. This guy is painting plastic scale model parts.
Ok so today, I had a friend come over and help me mount the bumper pole. It is now mounted,just have to wire up the light and take some pics. They will be up in a few days though when I get it all back together. It's about 2 inches from where it supposed to be but looks pretty good.
Well it's raining today but here are a few not so good shots with it down.
It's supposed to be out and over to the right more(looking from the front) but, the bumper support bar would not allow it anymore.
bumper poles are frakken ssssaaaawwwweeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!
where did you get them from???
I got mine awhile ago, but I see them on ebay all the time. There pretty expensive though.(My front porch looks like a honda blew up on it) So im trying to get things done while im out on workers comp.
Ok, so I was trying to wait on this little surprise as well but, while reading threw a few threads last night saw this done, did this a few months back. I actually didnt use a paint pen though, I used the duplicolor touch up pen of the factory paint code. Turned out good I think. Also I do have a few more things and hopefully one noone has seen or done yet. Stay tuned.
Rear wagon flaps....
Did a little bit today. Here are some pics,maybe you can figure it out. When I pulled them apart I noticed that some of the reflective has chipped off. Anyone know how to fix that?
My only idea would be to try some of that "chrome" spray paint. DupliColor makes one but a quick google search suggests there are other, better, more expensive brands out there as well. Here's a link to a youtube vid testing the DupliColor product over different base coats. This guy is painting plastic scale model parts.
Yea man, I was in hobby lobby yesterday looking around and they have a few paints that may work,Money is an issue though and at 10 bucks a can,cant be done at the moment. My luck ive been outta work for a month for a torn rotator cuff so, im getting workers comp but that is not as much as usual. I have gotta send some money to a guy to so trying to save up for that.
Can't wait to see it installed :
It's supposed to be out and over to the right more(looking from the front) but, the bumper support bar would not allow it anymore.
where did you get them from???
Rear wagon flaps....
Yea man, I was in hobby lobby yesterday looking around and they have a few paints that may work,Money is an issue though and at 10 bucks a can,cant be done at the moment. My luck ive been outta work for a month for a torn rotator cuff so, im getting workers comp but that is not as much as usual. I have gotta send some money to a guy to so trying to save up for that.
Good to hear