Since I don't have my ls right now I have been trying to utilize the time I have to get a lot of things done with my wagon, I saw this thread on honda tech a few weeks ago of a guy doing the same thing with his S2000 . Thought it was a Good idea for my wagon since I've noticed my engine bay is always really hot and considering the hoods natural slope I think it would be even more beneficial to put a vent right next to my intake to make a pseudo ram air intake (that will be described later after I put the finishing touches on this current project.
went to harbor frieght and got the body saw for 35$ I plan on returning after I'm done with the job
and I already have a drill I used a bit that was just big enough to stick my saw blade in
Taped off the area and used a marker to give a visual guide in the shape I want
drilled holes
did a whatever don't give af cut job because it's a old wrecked hood I kept for a reason after all small bit of advice when making cuts is to do all cuts one way , one time
i did the first one on the wrecked hood for 2 reasons
1. Practice
2. I plan on fabbing up some sort of bracket to cover the hole I will make in the other hood for poor weather conditions , I'll put a weather foam seal on the underside to guarantee water protection and prevent damage to the new hood .
i started late and I don't feel like being a dick to my neighbors making noise so I stopped there and started a template for the cuts on the new hood
im thinking since the way I did the first cuts left a really messy look I will cut a smaller but same shape diameter vent shape and make them bigger by grinding and sanding to the perfect size.
nothin better than a good IPA
I'm going to do the mini keg intake dealy and am going to cut the side out about 6x8"exposing the filter to where the ram air will be coming in at
I'm going to go with a 3" wide reusable cone filter and a generic short ram and 45' elbow or maybe even ball out and get a whale dick (love the sound of those , had one on my b18 ek hatch) the idea behind it is that the canister shape will get fed air at a high rate of speed while also inducting it the canister will let cold air in and keep the filter from being exposed to the hot trapped engine air.
im trying to get the most for cheap out of my sohc zc and the best place to start is utilizing common practices shared by race car engineers
I've been considering various ventilation as well. I've seen people with the hood spacers and stuff, I don't think that suits me. But I would want to actual monitor temps before doing any cutting. A meter and some k-probes are cheap as hell.
Look at fabbing up a belly pan with appropriate ducting. Reduces drag as well as helping with air circulation in the engine bay.
I've been considering various ventilation as well. I've seen people with the hood spacers and stuff, I don't think that suits me. But I would want to actual monitor temps before doing any cutting. A meter and some k-probes are cheap as hell.
Look at fabbing up a belly pan with appropriate ducting. Reduces drag as well as helping with air circulation in the engine bay.
Yeah that's definitely another thing I'm going after since my first tranny was cracked from a huge pot hole good call on the vent part on that too btw I'm def. gunna do that and I know no matter what me adding this vent will decrease temps by at least 10' my engine bay is just plain hot anything I do that will increase airflow and allow venting of any internal temp air will be benificial since this isn't really costing me anything but buying a tool I figure it's worth while, I would get before and after temps but I don't think it's necessary, it's SCIENCE! Haha:encouragement: Oh and I intend on doing the propped hood thing as well , this will allow the vent to provide dual function as ram air and to push hot air out the propped area in the firewall section
That seems counter intuitive to me. Especially with the steep angle of our windshields the bottom of the windshield is going to be a high pressure area and a popped hood, at speed is going to be pushing air in. It would help if you didn't have any movement, but it sounds like you are wanting air to flow in a way that it might not if you have that all going on. After all, it is science.
Take a look at cowl induction hoods. They don't have that big cowl there to get air out of the engine, they're using the natural high pressure buildup of air at the bottom of the windshield to force more air into the intake.
Maybe the popped area all around helps with that though, I'm not certain on that. At about $30 for a meter and some probes though I'd definitely be measuring temps myself, for the sake of science after all =D
That and it would help identify hot spots and possible methods for eliminating them. I'm especially curious as I too have the SOHC ZC engine. Of course I need to get the damn heat shield on my busted up exhaust.
On a side note, is rain and other crap in the engine bay not a concern? Based on your pics it seems like you're in a wet climate. I've seen other vents where it's not such a direct pass through.
Well I figure if you have a lower skid plate that has vents that push forced air up into the engine bay,it would expel out the vent prop in the rear section , the front vent directly above the air intake will not only also force air back towards the vent prop in the rear but force cooler air from outside the engine bay directly into the keg air intake which in turn will have cooler air pressed against it in the broad spectrum of things in theory
You should switch back to the original tailights. They look so much better.
If u go through the thread you'd see that's pretty much impossible on the count of me melting the original lenses which resulted in me finishing the clear tails , and I could go buy a set but I don't think just because you don't like them I should go out of my way to go buy and install them
Idk if that's a question lol
of the nature of or involving antithesis.
directly opposed or contrasted; opposite.
not sure that it can be a question either :encouragement:
took a shit ton of recycling in and decided to spend the money on painting and body work gear
never done any bondo work so this will be a good learning expierience i might get carried away and do some other spots on my car while im at it not sure yet
for now just the hood and then the roof if i decide its warm enough
i recently made a little rain guard which will be kept in place by the bends in the plastic and the wire mesh that i will secure once the hood is painted.
i have also decided on building my first turbo with this car im going to run a smic which will make this little vent more than functional! ( it will look badass too )
since thankgiving is tomro i dont plan on getting to far along with this til the weekend but i will post updates with the progress and write up the process
before any prep just really dusty
Started out with a really rough 80 grit palm sandpaper to rip apart the exisiting clear coat and dig up any rough metal edges from any deep dents i find
this includes the area around the air vent i made because of the jigsaw motion there is a wavey bend around the cuts i plan on eliminating
i dont have much practice with body work involving bondo as i stated but it seems fairly straight forward - this should be a fun project with a nice end result!
The white hood with black mesh on the vent is going to look really nice.
80 grit
after a quick wet wipe down
thats it for today
im going to strip this top layer down to bare metal in any place that will need bondo work
i heard using paint thinner is recomended to really clean the area before paint and bondo so im going to ttry that as well.
should have the first little bit of bondo on tomoro
update-the bondo wont set quick enough for any sanding today its too cold out side ill have to get the jump early tomoro and hopefully finish all bondo work before sundown so i will be ready for paint by sunday.
like i said i never done bondo work before so i was a little timid at first and i tried to limit over use and kind of messed up at the top but its all part of the learning experience i guess !
you can see where i tried sanding and the heat lifted bondo and set it precariously about on the bottom right
I was thinking about applying bondo because the hood pops in the middle but decided against that because i figure it would cause the bondo to crack and chip over time more than i already expect it to lol
im gunna shave the front and rear emblems i think as well not sure yet
might wanna lower the volume on the video if you click below...
turns out i had been using 100 grit so i went over it with 80 to get the deep scratches and rock caused paint chips that were taking a long time with the 100 grit
heres right after that
You should really throw down for a random orbit sander, they work so much quicker than those mouse sanders. I have one by Bosch and the way they insulate the actual motor from the housing severely cuts down on the vibrations your hand receives (not to sound like a pervert).
Either way, it's coming along. I didn't have Bondo available when I had to repair a booboo I made and used some JB weld on it.
You should really throw down for a random orbit sander, they work so much quicker than those mouse sanders. I have one by Bosch and the way they insulate the actual motor from the housing severely cuts down on the vibrations your hand receives (not to sound like a pervert).
Either way, it's coming along. I didn't have Bondo available when I had to repair a booboo I made and used some JB weld on it.
yea i would the way my nank account is setup im thinkin the only investment on my end soon is gunna be for a space heater so i can keep my garage at around 70 degrees F" to cure bondo/ paint with quicker this is rediulous haha , and nice my homie used jb weld for some badge shave job cause he thought it would last longer than bondo ( probably would ) lol
went and grabbed some more sanding discs and a space heater from my friendly neighborhood harbor freight tools shop
and i was back to work
not so smart now are ya bondo?!
30$ with a one year warranty
feathering out the bondo
this line on the hood is one repair i really want to make sure is perfect a dent in the line of the hood is so ugly to me !
this pen sized dent i had to completely remove bondo from and start fresh
Everything bondo'd and sanded , will do a once over tomorow before i start the first coat of primer!
Post pics of the final product next.
Im hoping i can get the hood finished in one day with this cool space heater i bought.. gunna toss the car outside with a tarp and use the garage just for the hood
only got two cans of primer and a can and a half of clear coat but im hoping its good enough to have a white hood ill sand the clear coat off down the road and spray white with a legit paint gun in the summer time.
tried to make these look like their shot in the snow.
back to reality
went to harbor frieght and got the body saw for 35$ I plan on returning after I'm done with the job
and I already have a drill I used a bit that was just big enough to stick my saw blade in
Taped off the area and used a marker to give a visual guide in the shape I want
drilled holes
did a whatever don't give af cut job because it's a old wrecked hood I kept for a reason after all small bit of advice when making cuts is to do all cuts one way , one time
i did the first one on the wrecked hood for 2 reasons
1. Practice
2. I plan on fabbing up some sort of bracket to cover the hole I will make in the other hood for poor weather conditions , I'll put a weather foam seal on the underside to guarantee water protection and prevent damage to the new hood .
i started late and I don't feel like being a dick to my neighbors making noise so I stopped there and started a template for the cuts on the new hood
im thinking since the way I did the first cuts left a really messy look I will cut a smaller but same shape diameter vent shape and make them bigger by grinding and sanding to the perfect size.
nothin better than a good IPA
I'm going to do the mini keg intake dealy and am going to cut the side out about 6x8"exposing the filter to where the ram air will be coming in at
I'm going to go with a 3" wide reusable cone filter and a generic short ram and 45' elbow or maybe even ball out and get a whale dick (love the sound of those , had one on my b18 ek hatch) the idea behind it is that the canister shape will get fed air at a high rate of speed while also inducting it the canister will let cold air in and keep the filter from being exposed to the hot trapped engine air.
im trying to get the most for cheap out of my sohc zc and the best place to start is utilizing common practices shared by race car engineers
Look at fabbing up a belly pan with appropriate ducting. Reduces drag as well as helping with air circulation in the engine bay.
Take a look at cowl induction hoods. They don't have that big cowl there to get air out of the engine, they're using the natural high pressure buildup of air at the bottom of the windshield to force more air into the intake.
Maybe the popped area all around helps with that though, I'm not certain on that. At about $30 for a meter and some probes though I'd definitely be measuring temps myself, for the sake of science after all =D
That and it would help identify hot spots and possible methods for eliminating them. I'm especially curious as I too have the SOHC ZC engine. Of course I need to get the damn heat shield on my busted up exhaust.
On a side note, is rain and other crap in the engine bay not a concern? Based on your pics it seems like you're in a wet climate. I've seen other vents where it's not such a direct pass through.
No going back now!
Next up cutting and rigging up the mini keg as a intake
Plan on using a cheap eBay short ram or whale dick not sure yet
Lol, I was talking about the Photoshoot, not sure how I missed the other pics
oh ahah i was like thats odd but hey either way thanks :encouragement:
of the nature of or involving antithesis.
directly opposed or contrasted; opposite.
not sure that it can be a question either :encouragement:
took a shit ton of recycling in and decided to spend the money on painting and body work gear
never done any bondo work so this will be a good learning expierience i might get carried away and do some other spots on my car while im at it not sure yet
for now just the hood and then the roof if i decide its warm enough
i recently made a little rain guard which will be kept in place by the bends in the plastic and the wire mesh that i will secure once the hood is painted.
i have also decided on building my first turbo with this car im going to run a smic which will make this little vent more than functional! ( it will look badass too )
since thankgiving is tomro i dont plan on getting to far along with this til the weekend but i will post updates with the progress and write up the process
before any prep just really dusty
Started out with a really rough 80 grit palm sandpaper to rip apart the exisiting clear coat and dig up any rough metal edges from any deep dents i find
this includes the area around the air vent i made because of the jigsaw motion there is a wavey bend around the cuts i plan on eliminating
i dont have much practice with body work involving bondo as i stated but it seems fairly straight forward - this should be a fun project with a nice end result!
The white hood with black mesh on the vent is going to look really nice.
80 grit
after a quick wet wipe down
thats it for today
im going to strip this top layer down to bare metal in any place that will need bondo work
i heard using paint thinner is recomended to really clean the area before paint and bondo so im going to ttry that as well.
should have the first little bit of bondo on tomoro
didnt get to work as much as i wanted to with thanksgiving at my family's house and what not but will be starting bondo work in the morning
like i said i never done bondo work before so i was a little timid at first and i tried to limit over use and kind of messed up at the top but its all part of the learning experience i guess !
you can see where i tried sanding and the heat lifted bondo and set it precariously about on the bottom right
I was thinking about applying bondo because the hood pops in the middle but decided against that because i figure it would cause the bondo to crack and chip over time more than i already expect it to lol
im gunna shave the front and rear emblems i think as well not sure yet
might wanna lower the volume on the video if you click below...
turns out i had been using 100 grit so i went over it with 80 to get the deep scratches and rock caused paint chips that were taking a long time with the 100 grit
heres right after that
over view of the bondo first application
Either way, it's coming along. I didn't have Bondo available when I had to repair a booboo I made and used some JB weld on it.
and i was back to work
not so smart now are ya bondo?!
30$ with a one year warranty
feathering out the bondo
this line on the hood is one repair i really want to make sure is perfect a dent in the line of the hood is so ugly to me !
this pen sized dent i had to completely remove bondo from and start fresh
Everything bondo'd and sanded , will do a once over tomorow before i start the first coat of primer!
Post pics of the final product next.
Im hoping i can get the hood finished in one day with this cool space heater i bought.. gunna toss the car outside with a tarp and use the garage just for the hood
only got two cans of primer and a can and a half of clear coat but im hoping its good enough to have a white hood ill sand the clear coat off down the road and spray white with a legit paint gun in the summer time.