turbo_tegs wago project updated july 26



  • shakey021 wrote:
    hey bro are you about to do brads clutch ? i finally got stock headlights !!! and took out anohter 20 yrds of wiring this past weekend...also fixed my foglight button on my dash to work with my foglights... 487.jpg

    what color is this DA !!! i like it

    keep up the good work on your "wagovan"
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    shakey got banned so he wont be able to answer the color question.
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    trailing arms back in, toe adjusters, rear camber kit, LCA's all in. the rear end of the car is back on the ground thank god. get that ish orderd up justin and give rob those top hats back i want them! anyways i realy want to pull the motor tonight but i gotta get ready for work in the morning GAY.
  • turbo_teg wrote:
    trailing arms back in, toe adjusters, rear camber kit, LCA's all in. the rear end of the car is back on the ground thank god. get that ish orderd up justin and give rob those top hats back i want them! anyways i realy want to pull the motor tonight but i gotta get ready for work in the morning GAY.

    are those, those one top hats that came out of that one car, that the one dude had, that you got the car from ?
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    ya his dad made them they turned out tits i want them back
  • CharbCharb Administrator
    You should come to our Spokane meet if your car is running.
  • i know the ones you speak of !!!
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    Charb1618 wrote:
    You should come to our Spokane meet if your car is running.

    ill try. im actually wakin up at about 5 and headin that way in the dump truck.
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    I dont think im gunna make any of the meets coming up soon even when i get the motor out im gunna start putting the AC back in, cutting a hole in the firewall for the cruise control throttle cable, mounting my breather can, mounting my half sized radiator and i need to bend my lower core support forward and down somehow..... actually been thinkin of pickin up a cheap FWD to rock just so im not in such a rush.
  • turbo_teg wrote:
    I dont think im gunna make any of the meets coming up soon even when i get the motor out im gunna start putting the AC back in, cutting a hole in the firewall for the cruise control throttle cable, mounting my breather can, mounting my half sized radiator and i need to bend my lower core support forward and down somehow..... actually been thinkin of pickin up a cheap FWD to rock just so im not in such a rush.

    the city you live in, is like one GIANT fan hahaha, you think you wouldnt need AC hahahahaha i crack myself up i might be heading that way towards central university or whatever soonish havent decided yet but i will let you know if i do and ill swing through
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    ya feel free. didnt work on the wago at all haha did get my new bigger fuel system in my truck dam is it nice.
  • ahhhh, love that truck it doesnt seem so big until my fat ass tried to get in it and i had to jump haha
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    haha it rips i can tell the pump is working becasue my EGT's are getting a lil higher enough to make my alarm go off which is like 1350 degrees and above...... doesnt flat line anymore just keeps pulling i have a feeling when i get my stage 6 on my programer the clutch is gunna start wanting to cut loose again.
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    got the motor out only took me a month of dickin the dog...... no workie tomarrow so im gunna put the non PS rack and do all the brake BS so she is a roller the womans car needs some work before i can put the new motor in so she is gunna get pushed out side for a lil bit.

  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    Traction bar is on its way and the non PS rack is in. on a different note im buying my old grey fwd auto wagon back i cant believe i ever sold it now i cant believe im gettin it back!
  • dam. you move through wagons faster than i change clothes...

    when do you anticipate this to be up and fully tuned?
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    oh god not till spring time boss just dropped the bomp on me that were headin to CALI next saturday and ive changed my mind of buying my old wagon back its tits i love the car its just not something i need right now.... even though this month while im on the road im gunna be hunting CL wherever i am for a deal on a wago just to drive it home haha.

    For now i just want to get her a roller so i can park it in my back yard while im gone so the wife can use the garage. with any luck i have all the parts i need to finish here ready for when i get a chance to work on it then its simply put it together and tune.
  • sweet. looks like we will be releasing boosted wagons about the same time. :D
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    nice nice mine got pushed out side last night nice to see it rollin but still lots of work to go.
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    here she sits till i get some time.


    rear disc shot
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    okay after months of just getting snowed on i pulled the wago back in the garage. I got the 40/40 prop valve and the new 15/16ths master installed. And i finally got a chance to see if a 90-91 cluster cover will fit on an 88-89 and YES it does work. I test fitted my womans old broken 99 ex cluster and it fits quite nice almost like it was ment to be. gunna hunt me down a good set when funds become available or i may just use these (gas guage stopped working)




    tomarrow and monday i want to do some more work on it but that depends on how fussy the kiddo is.
  • stokedd for more updates!!
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    goal is to have it running NA by the end of the month. its kinda like my new years resolution...... i have a ton of parts so money shouldnt be too much of an issue. (I HOPE)
  • wyld kardz ee2wyld kardz ee2 Senior Wagonist
    nice pick those 88-89 blues are hard to find.
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member



    spent way too long bleeding it out because my no so car smart buddy was pumping the clutch pedal and i couldnt figure out why i was getting any presure till i happend to see the clutch cable wiggle as he was pumping..... breaks are all on and working great but i still need some integra E-brake cables so i can get it working. the kiddo got kinda fussy this after noon and my wonderful wife and i got into a lil fight so i called it quits for the day.
  • leWolfleWolf Senior Wagonist
    You should just donate the pile of goodies to me !
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    haha ill get on that! kiddo is sleepin and me and the wife made up if ya know what i mean..... so im headin back in to get back on her. ill post pics!
  • CharbCharb Administrator
    Lookin good man. Happy to see some progress. Give me a call this week. I made a deal today for a car I don't own yet lol

    Also, I'm planning a CRV cluster for Jane.
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    my womans car has a CRV cluster in it kinda cool.... tracking down the right speedo sensor was kinda a bitch. I got mine from the 99 EX tranny i took out of my womans car when i replaced it with the older ex/si tranny. so i THINK you need a speedo sensor from 96-00 civics but dont quote me on that.
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    Last night i ended up taking a shower and putting work cloths back on just didnt sound like fun. so today i decided to tackle a lil problem thats botherd me ever since i bought the car. the lower core support is bent up and in a lil so i used a chunk of beam, 2 spacers, chain, 2 jacks, and few chunks of scrap. took me 2 pulls and im happy with the results even tho' its not perfect it looks a lot better to me. bent her back then re-adjusted the hood and she works great.







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