turbo_tegs wago project updated july 26

Been hella busy but i finally started ripping into the wagon this weekend. ive got a stack of parts for this thing and now that i have a job where im home everynight with the woman and kiddo i get some time to spend on it now.
not diggin the webs so im stealing my womans Si's

out with the old

to get ready for the new!

and just 1 shelf stuffed to the nuts with crap like ex front brake swap, full poly bushings, LSD, some turbo crap, obd1 swap, yada yada yada pretty much going through the whole car first on the agenda is gunna be to get the old rod knockin engine out ditch the PS, LCA's replace every bit of 20+ year old worn out rubber bushings, and get her on some full coil overs of some sort. still un-decided on a turbo the motor is bullet proof i just cant make up my mind.....
not diggin the webs so im stealing my womans Si's

out with the old

to get ready for the new!

and just 1 shelf stuffed to the nuts with crap like ex front brake swap, full poly bushings, LSD, some turbo crap, obd1 swap, yada yada yada pretty much going through the whole car first on the agenda is gunna be to get the old rod knockin engine out ditch the PS, LCA's replace every bit of 20+ year old worn out rubber bushings, and get her on some full coil overs of some sort. still un-decided on a turbo the motor is bullet proof i just cant make up my mind.....
those got spray canned black and went with a car i sold....
sold them last weekend i just didnt like them. im gunna steal my womans Si's off her new car for mine eventually.
I would love to have my RT4WD putting down 200/200 with a small turbo on low boost, but it runs so good the way it is. I'm afraid to get back into the turbo honda world. I just need to find a good tuner.
im shootin for mid 11's on street tires with AC and all the power option goodies i want to add as well. after that i would need a cage and i want to keep the car a strict daily driver that is easy enough for my old lady to drive if she needs. i want to run a GT30r they are pricey but i think it will be worth it. im kinda at a stand still my womans new car kinda took all my stash and i have a couple buddies nickle and diming my ass on some shit i either sold or let them borrow so its frustrating but my fault i was ballin and didnt care... theres still tons of shit i can do like my rear disc swap, bigger front breaks, install my poly bushings, remove PS, install the ST sway bars, and put the LSD in my rear diff.
SInce you are a Cummins guy you ought to look into using a Holset turbo. You can get them for way cheap. An HE341 (from the 03-04 CR CTD) are considered to be worthless by the diesel crowd. You could get one for $100 fairly easily.
yeah ive considerd just spending big bucks and gettin a nice big ball bearing turbo for my dodge and trading my stock hx35 to my buddy for his hy35 (small gay turbo on 00-02 automatic dodge cummins trucks) and running it externally waste gated but who knows..... or maybe even just run my hx35 but get a smaller exhaust housing to help it spool better.
im gunna run ectune with a chipped p28. already got the jumper and ECU.
Now you got me doing research into a turbo setup for my car.
oh ya today i did the 90-91 corner light swap, installed the hids, yellow high bulbs, started making a lip out of the bumper filler i had layin around, and wired in a 3 wire plug for my bumper lights so that they have running lights in them as well as a blinker still. have a TON of parts coming to get her back on the ground. If im up to it tomarrow i want to finish my lip and get the motor out.
yeah if he does come over ill roll over with him... but i think he was saying somthing about going to some guy out in gig harbor and doing it !
in all honesty i dont think his car will make it over the pass lol thats how bad his clutch is
what yer seein is about as far as she is. im still waiting on my brake and suspension parts im kinda holding off pulling the motor becasue space is limited in my garage and i dont want 2 different things being ripped apart at 1 time.
ive planned on doing mine for a while just no time....
do your still flash as turn signals..????
did you convert to a dual filament bulb and tap the clear running lights for the parking light ...?
it is a tailight bulb plug so yes its a dual filament the blinker is the same then i just tapped into the front running light in the corners that dont blink. to make the plug fit your turn signal housings u have to widdle one of the little tabs off its super easy to do. im playin hookie from work tomarrow to work on the wago im hoping my calipers and rotors show up tomarrow cuz then i can get the non PS cross member in, front LCA bushings in, poly rack bushings, front camber kit, front brake upgade, 15/16's master, and 40/40 prop valve all in. my energy suspension trailing arm bushing showed up to i just realy hope they arent a bitch.