Will pull the box off tomorrow, do crank seals and inspect clutch, also do cambelt, water pump etc etc.
Hopefully have the motor ready go in for Monday when the mounts hopefully arrive, unfortunately I ended up with Billet Ali Innovative mounts instead of the Powder Coated Steel ones I ordered.
Split the box off today and did crank seals, have new clutch and bearings arriving next week. Also did cambelt, water pump and tensioner at the same time:
Engine looks nice and clean on the inside:
Then got sidetracked by BBQ and beer so that was it for a day
Right so today I went backwards, pulled the motor back out to make some "adjustments" to the chassis rail that I though i would get away without doing (I couldnt)
Me Grinding the Front bracket off with the appropriate safety equipment:
I cant see I dent?:
Also replaced CV Boots etc on the driveshafts so its all set to go back in tomorrow
Shuttle may end up being just as quick in a straight line, but I doubt it will ever handle as good. However shuttle will be taken to Trackdays as well! At this stage it will be getting its first outing Feb 8th, so should be fun
Not much visual progress today, was too hot to get too into it but achieved the majority of the wiring:
Exhaust seems to have adequate clearance, though I imagine the headers will meet something solid on more than one occasion:
Tomorrow I should mostly finish the wiring and get the car sitting back on the floor, then I need to sort out some radiator hoses, either remount the Fuel filter or swap the Fuel line as it currently crosses right in front of the Throttle body.
After that I think all thats left to do is modify one of the sold heater lines as the angle is to tight for the rubber hoses to get onto it and then put fluids/bleed fluids in and start it up without ANY check engine lights. Too much to ask for?
It will be done before I go back to work on the 5th, no excuses!
The internet at my place has decided it doesnt want to go so delayed progress report and the internet here at my parents wont allow my to upload photos?
Drivers side Inner CV spline was rooted, so I had to file them all out and tidy them up so it would go into the gearbox, that took about 3hours.
Then found I had assembled the Inner CV incorrectly, causing it to bind up. So pulled it all apart to fix that.
Now have found that the drivers side hub has about 5mm of play in it? I think I may have screwed up the bearing when Installing it? I dunno but hopefully when I tighten up the Nut on the end it will pull itself all back into place.
Next mission was shift linkages, EF8 ones were slightly too long, so cut then and re-welded. They arent perfect yet but it will get it going for now, will redo them at a later stage.
Went to fit the exhaust and it all lines up correctly except for the header flange of course bing too big, so will get it going and take it down to the muffler shop to get it done properly, its only a 2km drive.
Ive got the bottom radiator hose on, fixed the heater hoses and other misc stuff in that area, will track down a top radiator hose tomorrow and then thats the cooling system done.
By this stage I was annoyed everything was taking so long, so in went the radiator and on went to bumper to at least make it look like a car again.
Today... I went kayaking for 3hours in the sun, after all, this is the second to last day of my summer holiday, and the rest of it has been spent in the garage working on the car.
List of things to do:
-Tighten up suspension bolts
-Re-pin the ECU plugs
-Re-Pin the plugs at the fuse box
-Run extra wires from ECU to engine bay and wire up Oxy Sensor
-Bleed Brakes
-Bleed Power Steering
-Fill up gearbox with oil (honda MTF)
-Fill up engine with oil (Valvoline 10w-40)
-Fill up radiator with coolant
-Lift car off axle stands and onto the ground
-Put in battery and turn the key
-Either cry and start hitting stuff with a hammer, or laugh maniacally, put the bonnet on and go for a test drive.
After that just needs new flange welded onto the exhaust, possibly new drivers side wheel bearing (hope not), shift linkages fiddled with and a fucking good THRASHING!! :twisted:
Tomorrow I am going to get the fluids in and start on the wiring, new timeframe is to have it done by the 13th January as I need to have it all tidied up and ready to go by the 17th
I may have a bracket for the throttle cable, i'll look through my box of tricks.
Good progress!
Cheers, I have a stock Dseries bracket that I will have to adapt to fit for now, I need to get this thing moving as im booked in at the exhaust shop for friday afternoon and all going well I will be heading up to Tairua on Sunday for a couple weeks.
I have stuffed something up with the distributor I think, as I know its getting fuel, its obviously getting air but its not firing so im assuming that its just not getting spark as its just cranking and cranking. So tomorrows job is to go through all the distribution system and fault find whats happening.
Im stoked that as yet I have had no check engine lights
Right so far today (2hours so far) :
-I found that I DID have a B18c Throttle Cable Bracket, so I fitted that.
-Noticed I hadnt attached the low pressure side of the power steering pump, so had to take the headlight out to get at that (its tight!)
-Tried to start and got Code 10, IAT fault, found a loose wire.
-Tried to start, got code 15, Ignition Control Fault, ive found that ive stuffed the wiring up between ICM and Tach Output (both are white) so Im having lunch/breakfast and waiting for the soldering Iron to heat up
Did I mention that yesterday with 5 wires left to solder my trusty soldering Iron DIED! element went open circuit. That thing is older than I am, my mum (yes mum not mom) used to make stained glass window frames (lead) with it well before I was born.
Filled the garage with smoke, made a fuck load of noise, got all the neighbours popping their heads outside to see what it was
Still have 3 fault codes to deal with
-10 IAT Again, so will be a loose connection
-15 ICM Output I think I now know what the random wire I couldnt find a home for does
-7 TPS Probably a loose connection
Put the exhaust on, fixed the faults, well two of them anyway and connected the tacho.
Went to start it aaaand sputtered and died, now it wont start.
Still have fault 15 which is ICM Output fault so im not sure how to go about fixing that.
Thinking about it, its possible in firing order is ass about face and its sucking air in via the exhaust and spitting it out the Throttle body, hence why after putting the exhaust on it wont start?
Anyway I have to get it going by around lunch time tomorrow, running nicely and driveable.
Will pull the box off tomorrow, do crank seals and inspect clutch, also do cambelt, water pump etc etc.
Hopefully have the motor ready go in for Monday when the mounts hopefully arrive, unfortunately I ended up with Billet Ali Innovative mounts instead of the Powder Coated Steel ones I ordered.
Engine looks nice and clean on the inside:
Then got sidetracked by BBQ and beer so that was it for a day
Aligning the New Clutch and pressure plate etc, also replaced spiggot bearing, had the flywheel skimmed and replaced the thrust bearing
And its In:
Engine Bay Shot:
Still Messy but at the moment the focus is on getting it going, will tidy everything up after that.
And out the front of my parents where this is all happening
Thought you non NZ people may be interested in the Legnum VR4.
Me Grinding the Front bracket off with the appropriate safety equipment:
I cant see I dent?:
Also replaced CV Boots etc on the driveshafts so its all set to go back in tomorrow
ohwell...its 2010...
no ?
More progress today, was too hot to get to into it, im giving myself they day off tomorrow:
Motor In for the final time:
New Hub and Brakes:
Still have to put the other hub on and "massage" the shift linkages to fit then thats the majority of the mechanicals done.
Ive also started Wiring, extended some wires and depinned some plugs etc
Lookin great...that Legnum looks pretty sweet, I need to google it.
Galant VR4 in Wagon clothing.
Shuttle may end up being just as quick in a straight line, but I doubt it will ever handle as good. However shuttle will be taken to Trackdays as well! At this stage it will be getting its first outing Feb 8th, so should be fun
Not much visual progress today, was too hot to get too into it but achieved the majority of the wiring:
Exhaust seems to have adequate clearance, though I imagine the headers will meet something solid on more than one occasion:
After that I think all thats left to do is modify one of the sold heater lines as the angle is to tight for the rubber hoses to get onto it and then put fluids/bleed fluids in and start it up without ANY check engine lights. Too much to ask for?
It will be done before I go back to work on the 5th, no excuses!
Drivers side Inner CV spline was rooted, so I had to file them all out and tidy them up so it would go into the gearbox, that took about 3hours.
Then found I had assembled the Inner CV incorrectly, causing it to bind up. So pulled it all apart to fix that.
Now have found that the drivers side hub has about 5mm of play in it? I think I may have screwed up the bearing when Installing it? I dunno but hopefully when I tighten up the Nut on the end it will pull itself all back into place.
Next mission was shift linkages, EF8 ones were slightly too long, so cut then and re-welded. They arent perfect yet but it will get it going for now, will redo them at a later stage.
Went to fit the exhaust and it all lines up correctly except for the header flange of course bing too big, so will get it going and take it down to the muffler shop to get it done properly, its only a 2km drive.
Ive got the bottom radiator hose on, fixed the heater hoses and other misc stuff in that area, will track down a top radiator hose tomorrow and then thats the cooling system done.
By this stage I was annoyed everything was taking so long, so in went the radiator and on went to bumper to at least make it look like a car again.
Today... I went kayaking for 3hours in the sun, after all, this is the second to last day of my summer holiday, and the rest of it has been spent in the garage working on the car.
List of things to do:
-Tighten up suspension bolts
-Re-pin the ECU plugs
-Re-Pin the plugs at the fuse box
-Run extra wires from ECU to engine bay and wire up Oxy Sensor
-Bleed Brakes
-Bleed Power Steering
-Fill up gearbox with oil (honda MTF)
-Fill up engine with oil (Valvoline 10w-40)
-Fill up radiator with coolant
-Lift car off axle stands and onto the ground
-Put in battery and turn the key
-Either cry and start hitting stuff with a hammer, or laugh maniacally, put the bonnet on and go for a test drive.
After that just needs new flange welded onto the exhaust, possibly new drivers side wheel bearing (hope not), shift linkages fiddled with and a fucking good THRASHING!! :twisted:
Tomorrow I am going to get the fluids in and start on the wiring, new timeframe is to have it done by the 13th January as I need to have it all tidied up and ready to go by the 17th
Shift Linkages:
The helpful dog:
Tacking the Linkage:
Dad Welding the Linkage:
Look its a car again!:
Apart from gearbox fluid, bleeding the brakes and wiring the Oxy Sensor its ready to sit back on its own 4 wheels for the first time in 3weeks.
Now ive just gotta sit down and sort out the wiring so that I can rip into it in a few days
Car is basically done, went to fire it up aaaaaand nothing
So tomorrow I have to get it going:
Plugs I used for O2 Sensor:
Pretty much back together:
Its a CAR!
Things to do:
-Make it GO!
-Make a throttle cable bracket
-Put intake on
-Tidy up wiring
-Put interior back together
Good progress!
Cheers, I have a stock Dseries bracket that I will have to adapt to fit for now, I need to get this thing moving as im booked in at the exhaust shop for friday afternoon and all going well I will be heading up to Tairua on Sunday for a couple weeks.
I have stuffed something up with the distributor I think, as I know its getting fuel, its obviously getting air but its not firing so im assuming that its just not getting spark as its just cranking and cranking. So tomorrows job is to go through all the distribution system and fault find whats happening.
Im stoked that as yet I have had no check engine lights
Right so far today (2hours so far) :
-I found that I DID have a B18c Throttle Cable Bracket, so I fitted that.
-Noticed I hadnt attached the low pressure side of the power steering pump, so had to take the headlight out to get at that (its tight!)
-Tried to start and got Code 10, IAT fault, found a loose wire.
-Tried to start, got code 15, Ignition Control Fault, ive found that ive stuffed the wiring up between ICM and Tach Output (both are white) so Im having lunch/breakfast and waiting for the soldering Iron to heat up
Did I mention that yesterday with 5 wires left to solder my trusty soldering Iron DIED! element went open circuit. That thing is older than I am, my mum (yes mum not mom) used to make stained glass window frames (lead) with it well before I was born.
Filled the garage with smoke, made a fuck load of noise, got all the neighbours popping their heads outside to see what it was
Still have 3 fault codes to deal with
-10 IAT Again, so will be a loose connection
-15 ICM Output I think I now know what the random wire I couldnt find a home for does
-7 TPS Probably a loose connection
Start up Vid!
Cany you explain, in a little more detail, what you were doing in this pic?
I don't quite understand what you meant by 'align'??
When you put the pressure plate over it and tighten it up, it holds the clutch plate in place.
All that I did there is use the aligning tool to hold the clutch plate straight while i tightened up the pressure plate
Put the exhaust on, fixed the faults, well two of them anyway and connected the tacho.
Went to start it aaaand sputtered and died, now it wont start.
Still have fault 15 which is ICM Output fault so im not sure how to go about fixing that.
Thinking about it, its possible in firing order is ass about face and its sucking air in via the exhaust and spitting it out the Throttle body, hence why after putting the exhaust on it wont start?
Anyway I have to get it going by around lunch time tomorrow, running nicely and driveable.