Lol that would be awesome!!! I'm hoping to have it on the road in about 2 weeks. I have to pass a safety inspection first I really don't want them to test drive my wagon when its dumped. Just need to finish rerouting my exhaust and have it extend out past the bumper
Man, that's an aggressive lip! Fit looks perfect, too!
Sorry about not responding to that PM you sent; my phone hates the PM page & kid wrangling, etc. eats up the time I'd like use the regular computer. I appreciate the offer but gotta fund Santa's activities!
Nice build, and I hope you enjoy the hoodie! Yes, you got that from me Looks like your neighbor ripped off my design and made their own. People have been stealing my designs a lot lately, at first I was mad, now it's so frequent that it's kind of funny
Nathan I liked your design hence why I bought one from you. I havent got to wear it yet because its a xmas gift from mu wife. The onesie was a gag gift don't be offended by it.
Nathan I liked your design hence why I bought one from you. I havent got to wear it yet because its a xmas gift from mu wife. The onesie was a gag gift don't be offended by it.
Wheels came in on monday but i can pick them up because of my work shift I might be able to get them friday and then send them off to powdercoat. looks like ill be overhauling the car this weekend!!!
You should just quit so you can work on your wagon all the time
I wish lmao. If i did I'd get to go to jail for a couple years haha. Na I love my job... it pays for my honda,lexus and 4runner . I just hate 18 hour days. My wife suprised me last night and picked up my wheels for me!!! she had them mount the wheels and tires together so i guess im going to hold off on the powdercoating for awhile. I didnt want to hurt her feeling by telling her i didnt wanna do that yet. shes 9 months prego so shes a little touchy right now haha . I was so tired last night i put on one wheel last night and thought well thats good enough for tonight LMAO. I need to go get the exhaust done before I can lower it (needs to get on the lift). but before that i have to order my plates and register it....maybe ill just take next week off and get her on the road
Yeah go easy on her I remember those days with my wife the last month is the hardest she was so uncomfortable and ended up breaking her own water by picking something up so my son came early. Quick question....when you wired your side markers did you wire them to running lights and blinkers? And if so did you have to use a relay?
I did some very easy research and found a wiring diagram for usdm side markers no relay needed lol I was theorizing in my head when I came up with that
Nice pics. Man, I have lost more words than I care to think about that way! Now if I'm typing more than a few lines I usually type it up in a word processor doc then cut'n'paste it into the reply window.
^ yea I try to do the same but I was on my phone... Sorry little on edge neighbors were having a party last night and I was going to bed about 2 am looked out side and I see a kid lookin in my wife's truck and pulled a gun on the little fucker called the cops yada yada he fought the cops got arrested. So I was up til 4-5 or so
Ill open this one for you guys lol
My last coat of clear and this happens
Now I have to let it dry and sand it back down... Fuck
i also painted the side skirts black again
Thats dedication, hope you didnt pay much as pretty much EVERY Shuttle in NZ has them. I got some brand new for $9
I like how you changed my signature block too thanks
Huh? I said I hoped you didnt get ripped off by whoever you got them from here as they are very common.
Sorry about not responding to that PM you sent; my phone hates the PM page & kid wrangling, etc. eats up the time I'd like use the regular computer. I appreciate the offer but gotta fund Santa's activities!
Badass wagon build, man! Loving the DIYs
Nathan I liked your design hence why I bought one from you. I havent got to wear it yet because its a xmas gift from mu wife. The onesie was a gag gift don't be offended by it.
What lip is that?
Totally not offended
I wish lmao. If i did I'd get to go to jail for a couple years haha. Na I love my job... it pays for my honda,lexus and 4runner . I just hate 18 hour days. My wife suprised me last night and picked up my wheels for me!!! she had them mount the wheels and tires together