Inside the wiper box theres an adapter that clips on the wiper how it comes. Just clip that on the blade and slide the wiper arm on. I had to cut the plastic on the old blade for it to come off. Goodluck man,really it should be ok. If you need to pm me your number and ill try and explain better
Well still didnt get my new tails in, ran into a wiring issue with the lights. Here are some more pics with the pole up. I spent about 4 hours yesterday installing my dvd player and hooking up the subs and rewiring the rear speakers.
The wagon is looking great, you are making great progress, keep up the good work.
Hey, thanks man. Slowly its comming together. Still lots to do. I need ti get back to work so I will have tax refund next year so I can get body and paint work done. Lots of little odds and ends to get her finished up.
Today before all the storms came through i got in the mail a few more goodies, will let the pictures do the talking. Enjoy.
Still need to get a manual shift bezel, and paint it up but It looks alot more complete now.
Went through your whole thread and i must say props on the transformation. the interior is looking good! and sorry to hear or read about your injuries. hope all is well!
Well got alot done today, Got the edm tails in. I also got the rear hatch light cover on so now that looks good. I also traded the apexi exhaust for a stock almost new oem wagon muffler. I just wasnt feeling the apexi, I like the way wagon/ hatch mufflers hang cross ways. im gonna try and get that put on this week. When I do more engine stuff Ill look into something else. I got the da lip as well so thats on the list for this week. I held it up to see what it looks like and oh sexy it Here are some pics of the edm tails. More to come soon.
Anybody know how I can fix that rear bumper part on driver side by wheel well? Thanks
Not much of an update but, yesterday I finally drove her for the longest I have in a long time. I love it, Got alot of compliments aswell. I also got these just to add a lil sum sum to the wheels. Plus I was looking for a key chain and this was pretty cheap.
There was black or white, I chose the white for obvious reasons but, it says honda in red and I like that. That little bit of red ads atleast 5 and the wrench actually tightens these on and as hard as I tried couldnt budge them.
Re: My EE2t man your first to say that about anything. Seems I'm on the right track. Yea I like actually wasn't even looking for it at the time, b in nz had said they had it and omeone bid so lost out on the buy it now. I still got it for a good deal. Working on something at the moment hopefully I get that reaction from more people.
Thanks man, It's all money which i dont really have. Anyway im sourcing a rhd clip at the moment. Friend in NZ is on the hunt. Just have to see how much it ends up costing. Im thinking 3000 and for a few more 1000's I could almost ship an entire I dunno throwing ideas around in my head. I still have alot to do as it sits now. Getting alot more movement and strenght in my arm so hopefully soon Ill get to the little odds and ends that you wont notice but I do. Or it really needs.
So I got another goodie ordered today. All I am going to say is its from an ef5 and not so common. I post a pic or pics when I get it installed. Well its gotta get here first.
Ok so its friday and another goodie showed up..... Here are a few pics before I install it this weekend... Honda accsess air refiner from an ef5. Im all giddy like a little
Man that is so bad ass I'm so jealous. Love reading bout ur build u have bunch of sweet goodies.
One day mine will be as cool as some of the ones on here.
Man that is so bad ass I'm so jealous. Love reading bout ur build u have bunch of sweet goodies.
One day mine will be as cool as some of the ones on here.
Thanks man,alot of work still to go and hearing the wife ask what I actually just installed it. It is def bad ass.. Will post pics soon.
Still need to get a manual shift bezel, and paint it up but It looks alot more complete now.
Anybody know how I can fix that rear bumper part on driver side by wheel well? Thanks
There was black or white, I chose the white for obvious reasons but, it says honda in red and I like that. That little bit of red ads atleast 5 and the wrench actually tightens these on and as hard as I tried couldnt budge them.
Good guess, lol never thought of that But, nope. Hmm another clue is ir waant offered in US. and it turns on.
One day mine will be as cool as some of the ones on here.
I can relate to this so well.
Lovin your build man. Sorry if you mentioned this already, but are you gonna be at Import Alliance this year?