My EE2



  • driftin90driftin90 Senior Wagonist
    you should get some chrome covered amber bulbs.
  • H_civic66H_civic66 Senior Wagonist
    For the corners or bumper or both?
  • I think he means for the bumper so that there isn't the orange hue from the color of the bulbs, would make them more clear I'm assuming.
  • H_civic66H_civic66 Senior Wagonist
    Thats the 90/91 housing that has the amber insert. Not sure on laws here so I used those instead of the 88/89s think it looks bad?
  • driftin90driftin90 Senior Wagonist
    doesn't look bad. but can look better. if there are inserts, then forget what i said. if not, then the chrome covered bulbs will still light up amber and not have that amber hue there. making them look clear. that's all.
  • H_civic66H_civic66 Senior Wagonist
    There inserts but I may change to the others.
  • H_civic66H_civic66 Senior Wagonist
    Decided to keepem the way they are for now. Well heres a before of the console, gotta get stuff for the after...
  • H_civic66H_civic66 Senior Wagonist
    Got the center console painted it looks ok but, I hate it. Its too bright. On another note I have found oem honda power fender mirrors. Will get pics soon.
  • H_civic66H_civic66 Senior Wagonist
    Ok so as mentioned I got my oem honda power fender mirrors. Not wagon but oem hond. Tried to post pics but cant from my phone, will get them posted soon.
  • H_civic66H_civic66 Senior Wagonist
    Oem honda power fender mirrors
  • skitsoskitso Wagonist
    Very nice find on the mirrors. Got a game plan on how you're going to wire them up?
  • H_civic66H_civic66 Senior Wagonist
    Yea I have the power mods from a sedan so gonna extend the power mirror wires. Its something noone else has so I'm pretty stoked.
  • H_civic66H_civic66 Senior Wagonist
    So I've not been doing much but I have found a rhd drive clip. Now its a waiting game. Hopefully by the end of the year itl be done.
  • H_civic66H_civic66 Senior Wagonist
    News time, I sold my wagon. Not working and needed to pay bills. Im actually in the process of saving another one. Its a blue rt that isnt gonna be an rt when i take possession of it, but im paying 200 for it. Needs work but better than getting crushed. oh i kept alot of my goodies too and this one will be rhd. get pics when it gets home.
  • NCxEE4NCxEE4 Wagonist
    Well man, your old wagon was super nice, so I'm definitely in for the new build.
  • Bummer I know how that goes. I have sold lots of my cars to pay rent, etc. Well lets hope it's for the better. I never would have a wagon if I was'nt forced to sell my other Hondas and my wagon is my favorite car yet.
  • H_civic66H_civic66 Senior Wagonist
    Thanks guys, Well here is the wagon that im speaking of. Needs work and well a I told him that hes gotta get the title or I cant buy it. Im also gonna get the rt parts.
  • H_civic66H_civic66 Senior Wagonist
    Also how do you change the title now?
  • Now thats a project car! Needs lots of work but im one of those car guys that would jump on it because its an RT and it has a straight frame.

    In CA and AZ I have sold and bought cars. When I had no title I would get the release of liabilty form and statement of facts form fill those out with the previous owner best to your knowledge and turn um in.
  • H_civic66H_civic66 Senior Wagonist
    Well he found the title, and all the reading ive done to much work pulling out the rt stuff. So im keeping it. Its an 89 so im super excited about that too. As soon as i figure out how to change the thread name i will.
  • just have this one closed and start a new one
  • H_civic66H_civic66 Senior Wagonist
    Aww man, I dont wanna do that. lots of work put into this
  • So what is the first thing your going to do?
  • skitsoskitso Wagonist
    Any updates?
  • Hey where did u find that glass paint in a pray can I have been looking everywhere and can not find it!!! please let me know if u still doing this thread!!!
  • H_civic66H_civic66 Senior Wagonist
    No sorry no updates that deal fell through, but the guy who bought mine just got a third one and its mine...the glass paint I got on line just search for it. I have like a full can but gonna do the next one so hanging on to it. Thanks and I promise there will be more to come. Heres the potential next one.
  • H_civic66H_civic66 Senior Wagonist
    So what is the first thing your going to do?

    Strip her down and clean.....then oem fender mirrors....HA.
  • TerminusVoxTerminusVox Senior Wagonist
    Well, now, that's a project! Wow, I lost track of your build when the forum changed sites so I missed a lot. I'm sorry about needing to sell your wagon. I'll get back to you about your PM when I get to a real computer; this phone doesn't like our PM function.
  • edizzleedizzle New Wagonist
    im looking for some of these aahhhh!! whered u gettem? off what year/model r these bad boys from?
  • edizzleedizzle New Wagonist
    H_civic66 wrote: »
    Oem honda power fender mirrors

    sorry i for got to quote lol
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