Tested the clear coat today. Pics with iphone and car in the garage. My neighbors truck is in the reflection the whole time.
after clear (super worried)
after wet sand
I won't post any more paint pics till she's done sorry for being a pic whore. Body works no 100% but its 1000% better than it was haha
Bodywork and a paintjob could be done over a weekend with 2 guys with power sanders but I like taking my time and i don't have a sander so it's all being done BY HAND. I encourage you guys to do it. I know you can im just a guy like you with the power of YouTube lol
Haha yea I think I got enough parts to build a second wagon I just need a body!!! On a off note I met my new neighbor today he move out from Cali a 33 year GMC mechanic and built multiple trophy trucks. I think I live in the coolest col de sac lol 4 car dudes outta 5 house lol the others a FBI agent... He keeps to himself
The banner I stole off the net and my neighbor printed it out. He's workin no the civic shuttle and wagovan decals now. I wanted to paint the wagon madori green but I can't find it in cans haha.
Clean! I love how the paint came out after polish. I rebuilt my window regulator, changed my plugs and started fabbing my front spliter over the weekend I have to get some pics up. Still looking forward to seeing and maybe purchasing the spoiler.
I was planning on making more of them but I don't know how to make a mold of it and the time and materials I put into it I don't think many people would invest in one. It took me about a month to figure out the pattern and materials. Planned on just making the two but I might make another for a armrest or center console swap or cash lol
Yep just bit off a little more than I would have liked I think I have torn apart everything and now I gotta put it back together then the car will be ready to mod. Lol a ton of work just to put it stock but I doubt I will ever sell this Honda I miss my last one to much:(
I had a day off today so I had time to finish se things up. Best thing of all I got her running today!!!! I had the green and brown plugs on the intake manifold backwards it took me awhile to figure out that they were the exact same.
It all wire tucked now
I need to remove the charcoal canister and map sensor from the firewall and that will be about it for a tuck. The battery is going to be located in the trunk as well.
Holes all patched
And my interior is complete and put back together
I won this off ebay dirt cheap from Japan haha. I've been wanting one for a Long time and think it will go good with my cargo cover I'm going to paint the center black.
where did you get that banner? i LOVE it! gives the car some personality
after clear (super worried)
after wet sand
I won't post any more paint pics till she's done sorry for being a pic whore. Body works no 100% but its 1000% better than it was haha
got enough civic wagon tails on that shelf????? lol!!!!!
my wagon needs body work sooo bad IMO.. the little dents, dings, and scratches kill me
im down to see MOARZ! *grabs popcorn*
so felt lazy and wanted to watch the new South Park. I figured what the heck ill try to polish my tail lights
my cargo cover not taking credit for this someone else did it I just made it my own
i started with a piece of oak
burned the grain
then stained it
put in some 6 1/2 kenwoods
I'm going to do a wood floor as well
Next is my spoiler one more coat of fiberglass and some bodywork and it will be complete
The wing is sold to a member and a good friend of mine jdmcody
ever think of making and selling them? id be down to buy one lol
It all wire tucked now
I need to remove the charcoal canister and map sensor from the firewall and that will be about it for a tuck. The battery is going to be located in the trunk as well.
Holes all patched
And my interior is complete and put back together
I won this off ebay dirt cheap from Japan haha. I've been wanting one for a Long time and think it will go good with my cargo cover I'm going to paint the center black.
Window trim and handles will be black tomorrow
Really happy with the results
shit looks dope!
Keep up the good work. Nice attention to detail.