Dude that looks really good.
I was at pap today and forgot to ask Bam did you need anything.
We raped a wagon out there. Wanted to get the hood but did not have space for it.
Thanks, man! I think I'm good for what I need since, you know, bam has hooked me up with all the essentials. And then there was you hooking me up with interior parts. My left elbow has enjoyed my time in the car much more lately! What I would be looking for at PAP would be non-essential items... maybe after the beginning of the year if ye olde household income gets closer to where it should be. If I saw a good blue hood I'd be pretty excited or even a good white one as I understand it. Probably the first thing I'm looking for is a set of pigtails for the Suzie Pods and I'd be willing to dig through a Civic for factory dash switches for later add-ons like fog lights. Eventually I want to get another luggage rack off of an Aerostar since I ruined the rails on the first one. Some reasonable factory rear mudflaps would be sweet. It's really all wishlist stuff; it'd be nice but it's not stopping me from using the car!
I pulled a complete 2 sets of roof rails off a mazda mini van due to looking like the old school ones.
If I don't use them you more than welcome to it.
Something about drilling the roof I'm still trying to bring myself to do since we went to all the work to fix it.
Yeah, drilling holes in the roof seems to go against the grain for me, too! But I do want a rack up there eventually. Since I'm not really a cyclist chances are I'd be running the standard ribs on my rack... or maybe a basket someday. I want to be able to strap a ladder (or whatever) to the rack if space inside the wagon is required for people or something.
How about a couple pics of what's been wagoneering around here?
So... what's the capacity of our gas tanks again?
One of the nifty things about working at the airport is seeing unusual aircraft or the special liveries the different carriers use. It's cool to see a major airline supporting causes near and dear to me and I can hardly think of a better cause than BEWBS!!
I tried to get a decent shot but there's only so much you can do when there's an eight-foot chainlink fence topped with barbed wire parked between you and what you're trying to get a picture of...
umm... less than that. 11.8 I thought?
Pulled you a couple of those IAT sensors, but too dark/cold/much junkpiled in the car to get at the e-brake switch. Later.
I may have spilled some on the ground... if I had to guess I'd say it was about +/- 0.2 gal. :oops: I was running on fumes when I pulled in there though! Thank you for the assist and advice!
Looks really good out in the sun light, sorry I dont get on here much anymore,guess ive been depressed with not being able to do anything on my car. Maybe next month or so when I get taxes back. Keep it up.
Looks really good out in the sun light, sorry I dont get on here much anymore,guess ive been depressed with not being able to do anything on my car. Maybe next month or so when I get taxes back. Keep it up.
Hey man, being hurt is no picnic. You gotta take care of yourself first. I feel your 'pain' about lack of funds, though. Same story around here which is why I'm doing all of these little bitty mods; to amuse myself!
Damn you're gas is almost $3 a gallon? it's always nearly $4 here in the NW. I'm jelly haha.
Push-water was $3.079 that day. The Atlanta metro area generally has gas prices as low as anywhere else in the continental US, I think. It was explained to me once... IIRC it's because there are several 'fuel farms' around town where fuel is stored between trucking (or moving by train) from one place to another. And the storage tanks are here because Atlanta sits astride several major Interstate highways. The same is true for railroads which are the original reason Atlanta is where it is. Stuff just started getting built up around the terminus of two rail roads. So, we always have a pretty good "supply" to meet local "demand."
And now on to today's Adventure in Wagoneering!
Notice anything about this picture? My exhaust is leaving a residue of black gunk all over the back of the wagon. A little cloud of exhaust sort of follows me around and...
... the exhaust pipe does not even clear the rear bumper. Nice black gunk, huh?
I wondered if a 'turn-down' might help and bam allowed as how it might so I picked one up. (Check out those super skinny true-spoke wheels I'm rocking, lol! )
We shall see!
Click the 'thumbnail' for a 12 second video of what i found when I crawled down there while the exhaust was cool. It's a little rusty, too. Like 'exhaust leak under the car' rusty. But it's a wee little hole (that's what she said!) so it should ride until it gets fixed.
Not much to report these days: too cold and/or wet for the remaining painting project (bumpers and trim) and no money to pursue any crazy ideas I may have. Meanwhile, a motorcyclist tagged my rear bumper tonight on the way home. It was a VERY low speed collision and he definitely got the worst of it. It had been raining steadily for a couple hours and in the slow-and-go traffic going through our ex-urb's town center when I slowed to avoid hitting the car in front of me and the guy on the bike behind me didn't quite stop in time. I think if it hadn't been wet he might've saved it and not gone ass over teakettle to land on his shoulder. As chance would have it we were three doors down from the local police officer station AND there was an officer from a neighboring jurisdiction several cars back. 911 was called, concerned passersby came out into the road to help. I didn't get to see much because the nice officer invited me to sit in my car (out of the rain) since I was uninjured. The paramedics came and strapped the guy on a stretcher and gave him a ride in the "bus." Much later and the rampback truck came for the bike and I confirmed for the officer that the bike's front tire definitely did make contact with my bumper by showing him the motorcycle tire shaped scuff on the bumper and I could finally leave. This confirmed that he will be getting a ticket for following too close. Georgia law states pretty clearly that you must maintain a 'safe following distance'... and if you run into the car ahead... well, that's not a safe distance. (I've been on the other side of things often enough to be familiar with that one.) Anyway, I hope the dude's okay. I'll have to look again at the bumper to assess it in the daylight (and without the rain) just to be sure it's okay. I even think the guy's bike will be okay... it seemed to be in one piece though I admit I didn't get too close a look at it... so, scratched but okay. Anyhow, I'm going to say a prayer for the guy. I'm not hurt and my car's not hurt (scuffed but hey I'm already planning to repaint the bumpers anyway) so I hope everything turns out to be okay for him, too.
Dang man, Hopefully he's ok. More importantly hope the bumper isnt cracked. I say more importantly cause im fed up with dumbarses. Who rides a bike in the rain? Anyway thankfully it wasnt worse for either of you. Hey i meant to pm you about that one thing. Turns out my battery was in right opposite yours( I guess the fuse for auto belts makes it that way) but, I wasnt getting the right angle right. Thanks again pics are worth a thousand words.
These pics show the scuff pretty clearly. I think he didn't do me any harm. And most likely the unfortunate sob had nothing else to drive whether raining or not. It's a nice bike though.
Dang man, Hopefully he's ok. More importantly hope the bumper isnt cracked. I say more importantly cause im fed up with dumbarses. Who rides a bike in the rain? Anyway thankfully it wasnt worse for either of you. Hey i meant to pm you about that one thing. Turns out my battery was in right opposite yours( I guess the fuse for auto belts makes it that way) but, I wasnt getting the right angle right. Thanks again pics are worth a thousand words.
Glad to help! Even gladder you realized the difference between your and mine and got yours in straight.
did the turned down pipe help with the little black snot bubbles all over the back?
...exhaust goo on the back of the car. I can't really tell if the turn-down has helped because I haven't washed old blue-y since then. But I think it hasn't accumulated any worse since I put the tip on.
As my only Christmas present this year I asked for some Strong Arm 4909 Lift Support Struts. If I had better light that's what the label below says, "Strong Arm 4909".
I was able to get a bite on the flats of the lower bolt/post with a 12mm N-wrench. This was handy because I can't quite remember where the hacksaw has been stored. Couple different wrenches, sockets, etc. and I'm snapping the OEM trim pieces back on!
And the lift she goes up with smoothness! (^video^)
The photo and video in this post really don't reach even my usual low standards... but I will say installation went quickly and smoothly so that I was able to do it in a few minutes as soon as I got home to find the package had been delivered!
hey man i was wondering if you could post some pics of your back speakers pods installed plz i been wanting to see these done and been looking for some also
hey man i was wondering if you could post some pics of your back speakers pods installed plz i been wanting to see these done and been looking for some also
As soon as I get them in... unfortunately when I was at the PaP I pulled ALMOST everything I would need... I didn't get the pigtails to wire it up clean and essentially stock. And I'm sort of OCD with something like that; I'd rather wait a little while and get it right if possible. So I need to go back and scavenge a bit more on another Isuzu to get the pigtails to make it all kosher-like. But having no disposable income at present I can't justify spending extra on what is essentially some to entertain myself.
Yesterday I sprung from work a bit early and stopped by this little Potemkin Village that I pass coming and going to work. I'm not sure what It's supposed to be but it's scenic as all get out. Might as well be; it's manufactured to be cute.
It's all retail space but empty.
That's actually some JDM armrest that mounts to the same front end of the console. There are USDM armrests a lot cheaper. http://www.ebay.com/itm/92-93-94-95-Hon ... 23181c5021 And if I wanted to risk the wrath of bam-bam I could get one out of our Dad's sedan a LOT cheaper, lol. Actually, I do intend to either get into Dad's car with a spare wagon console to compare length and fastener placement OR unscrew Dad's console temporarily to compare in a wagon. Bam pointed out that the cupholders are not the best even in the sedans and that the console itself is longer and may bind up under the radio console in a wagon. Still, I do want an armrest. Meanwhile, bam put me onto another idea. It should be a good indoor winter project.
After looking at it again I noticed it was a little longer than normal. I didnt get anymore pics today it is to cold. Im interested in seeing what you come up with. I didnt notice earlier that you got new shocks for you hatch either. I so need some of those as well.
After looking at it again I noticed it was a little longer than normal. I didnt get anymore pics today it is to cold. Im interested in seeing what you come up with. I didnt notice earlier that you got new shocks for you hatch either. I so need some of those as well.
Replacing those lift shocks has been something I intended to do from day one but it took bruising my shoulder badly on the latching loop to move it up my to do list. And since I do the grocery shopping and pretty much all the groceries are hauled in that hatch getting it working right just makes sense.
If I don't use them you more than welcome to it.
Something about drilling the roof I'm still trying to bring myself to do since we went to all the work to fix it.
So... what's the capacity of our gas tanks again?
One of the nifty things about working at the airport is seeing unusual aircraft or the special liveries the different carriers use. It's cool to see a major airline supporting causes near and dear to me and I can hardly think of a better cause than BEWBS!!
I tried to get a decent shot but there's only so much you can do when there's an eight-foot chainlink fence topped with barbed wire parked between you and what you're trying to get a picture of...
So click this link for a bigger better picture of this airplane. In Frankfurt. http://www.airliners.net/photo/Delta-Ai ... 2019866/L/
umm... less than that. 11.8 I thought?
Pulled you a couple of those IAT sensors, but too dark/cold/much junkpiled in the car to get at the e-brake switch. Later.
And now on to today's Adventure in Wagoneering!
Notice anything about this picture? My exhaust is leaving a residue of black gunk all over the back of the wagon. A little cloud of exhaust sort of follows me around and...
... the exhaust pipe does not even clear the rear bumper. Nice black gunk, huh?
I wondered if a 'turn-down' might help and bam allowed as how it might so I picked one up. (Check out those super skinny true-spoke wheels I'm rocking, lol!
We shall see!
Click the 'thumbnail' for a 12 second video of what i found when I crawled down there while the exhaust was cool. It's a little rusty, too. Like 'exhaust leak under the car' rusty. But it's a wee little hole (that's what she said!) so it should ride until it gets fixed.
I have a little black residue all over the back.
I need new valve seals.
Me and somebody else have been talking motors etc
I'll probably do the seals and just enjoy the wagon for a while.
Not much to report these days: too cold and/or wet for the remaining painting project (bumpers and trim) and no money to pursue any crazy ideas I may have. Meanwhile, a motorcyclist tagged my rear bumper tonight on the way home. It was a VERY low speed collision and he definitely got the worst of it. It had been raining steadily for a couple hours and in the slow-and-go traffic going through our ex-urb's town center when I slowed to avoid hitting the car in front of me and the guy on the bike behind me didn't quite stop in time. I think if it hadn't been wet he might've saved it and not gone ass over teakettle to land on his shoulder. As chance would have it we were three doors down from the local police officer station AND there was an officer from a neighboring jurisdiction several cars back. 911 was called, concerned passersby came out into the road to help. I didn't get to see much because the nice officer invited me to sit in my car (out of the rain) since I was uninjured. The paramedics came and strapped the guy on a stretcher and gave him a ride in the "bus." Much later and the rampback truck came for the bike and I confirmed for the officer that the bike's front tire definitely did make contact with my bumper by showing him the motorcycle tire shaped scuff on the bumper and I could finally leave. This confirmed that he will be getting a ticket for following too close. Georgia law states pretty clearly that you must maintain a 'safe following distance'... and if you run into the car ahead... well, that's not a safe distance. (I've been on the other side of things often enough to be familiar with that one.) Anyway, I hope the dude's okay. I'll have to look again at the bumper to assess it in the daylight (and without the rain) just to be sure it's okay. I even think the guy's bike will be okay... it seemed to be in one piece though I admit I didn't get too close a look at it... so, scratched but okay. Anyhow, I'm going to say a prayer for the guy. I'm not hurt and my car's not hurt (scuffed but hey I'm already planning to repaint the bumpers anyway) so I hope everything turns out to be okay for him, too.
These pics show the scuff pretty clearly. I think he didn't do me any harm. And most likely the unfortunate sob had nothing else to drive whether raining or not. It's a nice bike though.
Glad to help! Even gladder you realized the difference between your and mine and got yours in straight. Thanks! I think when I can really get the exhaust replaced from the axle back it may even help with my... ...exhaust goo on the back of the car. I can't really tell if the turn-down has helped because I haven't washed old blue-y since then. But I think it hasn't accumulated any worse since I put the tip on.
you can really tell with mine being white.
I was able to get a bite on the flats of the lower bolt/post with a 12mm N-wrench. This was handy because I can't quite remember where the hacksaw has been stored. Couple different wrenches, sockets, etc. and I'm snapping the OEM trim pieces back on!
And the lift she goes up with smoothness! (^video^)
The photo and video in this post really don't reach even my usual low standards... but I will say installation went quickly and smoothly so that I was able to do it in a few minutes as soon as I got home to find the package had been delivered!
And needed it the next day when I blew the o2 sensor on the ep3.
Yesterday I sprung from work a bit early and stopped by this little Potemkin Village that I pass coming and going to work. I'm not sure what It's supposed to be but it's scenic as all get out. Might as well be; it's manufactured to be cute.
It's all retail space but empty.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/JDM-CIVIC-EG6-B ... 3f0b906453
Hell, I may even go aftermarket for an armrest! http://www.ebay.com/itm/ARMREST-CENTRE- ... 3f0f9112c9