Little Blue Wagon Build



  • TerminusVoxTerminusVox Senior Wagonist
    Yeah, I like to see them working instead of wrecked and rusting. I'm enjoying this Wagon so much I sort of wish I had started with one like this back in '89.
  • AlaskaB16AlaskaB16 New Wagonist
    LOVE that sticker! And boy am I glad I've never lived in a smog state. Car looks great though! Keep it up. Gives me hope!!
  • TerminusVoxTerminusVox Senior Wagonist
    AlaskaB16 wrote: »
    LOVE that sticker! And boy am I glad I've never lived in a smog state. Car looks great though! Keep it up. Gives me hope!!
    Yeah, That sticker is the business! All props for it go to Prenro.

    Really, our smog standards are nothing to California. If your car is tuned up and you have a functional Catalytic Converter it'll probably pass.

    If I didn't live within the fifteen counties surrounding Atlanta I wouldn't need to get it smogged at all.
  • Yeah living in CA sucks for smogging cars. It is the determining factor in car buying for me. I wanted to open a smog shop so I could always pass
  • TerminusVoxTerminusVox Senior Wagonist
    Well, I once again experienced the "white shirt syndrome" last week. It seems like whenever I wear a white shirt to work I have some sort of car trouble. Happened last Wednesday on the way home. The car died pulling away from a stop light just after exiting the freeway. A bunch of asshats drove by without helping until two guys dirty from working outdoors stopped their truck behind me blocking traffic and got out to help me push Dory out of the road.

    Alex14, a Honda friend of a Honda friend of my big bro bam-bam stopped by to help troubleshoot. He couldn't get me going but he did describe the problem so that when bam came at the weekend to fix me up he brought the right parts. He also uncovered some leaky seals that weren't part of the problem but will need to be fixed soonerish than later.

    I've got a few pics but I'll have to post them from a computer instead my phone.

    Thus, the mini mini meet. One used dizzy later and I was back in business. We had a good visit.
  • One of my best friends thinks white lighters are the devil, and the absolute source of bad luck for him. He always tries to avoid them like the plague. I love to throw them at him and watch him duck and squirm away lol. If I were to have bad luck with white Ts I'd be completely screwed cause that's pretty much all I wear. Cheap, easy and I love em. Currently diggin Hanes V-Necks:) Glad you got the beast back up and running!
  • CharbCharb Administrator
    ^^story we grew up with was Jerry Garcia got busted somehow with one. But I'm not a dead head by any means. Suppose I could google it now. But I won't lol

    Some of my old friends literally would not touch them. I only buy green, but that's because it's my favorite color.
  • TerminusVoxTerminusVox Senior Wagonist
    knottyy wrote: »
    One of my best friends thinks white lighters are the devil, and the absolute source of bad luck for him. He always tries to avoid them like the plague. I love to throw them at him and watch him duck and squirm away lol.
    Charb wrote: »
    ^^story we grew up with was Jerry Garcia got busted somehow with one. But I'm not a dead head by any means. Suppose I could google it now. But I won't lol

    Some of my old friends literally would not touch them. I only buy green, but that's because it's my favorite color.
    Apparently Jerry died with one in his pocket. Fairly random, I'd say; Jerry thought is was okay to use to light the cigarettes that killed him... or rather the cigarettes that contrubuted to his fatal heart attack. I doubt Jerry would've bought into such a superstition. And to be clear, I am NOT making light of Jerry's death; just superstitions.

    Apparently lots of rockers have died in possession of white lighters including Jerry, Syd Barrrett, Cass Elliot, John Lennon, and Keith Moon. I still say the white cigarettes they had were a bit more unhealthful than any cheap lighter.
    knottyy wrote:
    If I were to have bad luck with white Ts I'd be completely screwed cause that's pretty much all I wear. Cheap, easy and I love em. Currently diggin Hanes V-Necks:) Glad you got the beast back up and running!
    If it were white t-shirts I'd never leave the house. I wear a white undershirt more often than not. My "unlucky" white shirts are guayaberas. I have a lot of colors. But it seems like I have extra opportunities to get dirty when I wear the white ones, lol! Last time it was just flat tires, this time a failed dizzy.
  • TerminusVoxTerminusVox Senior Wagonist
    Okay, here are the pictures from the weekend when bam-bam came down to fix my wagon.


    I usually park in the carport but Dory came home that night on a flatbed truck. The last time we asked one of those drivers to place a vehicle on our carport he hit the roof damaging the eaves and gutter as well as shattering the back glass of the minivan. This time I said, 'put it in the yard.'
  • TerminusVoxTerminusVox Senior Wagonist
    I was looking at these pictures in a different setting and noticed something fun. See if you see it too!


    In each picture It's Goldie and Dory. The 'Before' pictures are a little more than a year old and the 'After' pictures are about a month old. What a difference a year makes!
  • TerminusVoxTerminusVox Senior Wagonist
    Really, bam-bam has or finds the most amazing assortment of interesting things. Usually things that are meant for one thing but with a hair-brained idea, creativity, and a willingness to monkey around with it can be re-purposed into any number of useful and amusing projects. This is the story of one such project.

    This could be built with all new parts but it would quickly turn into an expensive boondoggle. Each of these PanaVise Model: 727-06SF Small Foot Slimline Pedestal, 6" goes for $28.99. Instead, bam has essentially rescued these from the trash so they are free. He gave them to me and gave me the idea of how to use them.

    Given the major component and a mission, I set out to build an adjustable dual cup holder to be mounted on a standard Wagon lower center console. Why adjustable? Put two full grown adults in the front seat, knee-to-knee, give them both drinks and try to figure out where to hard mount a dual cup holder without reducing knee comfort for one or both. And yet most of the time there's probably only the driver in the car and you can use up as much of the passenger side foot well as you like.

    So my first objective was to figure out what to use to hold the actual cup. I tend to prefer somewhat large fountain drinks (Diet Dr Pepper FTW) along the lines of a Big Gulp or Route 44 or one of QT's cups in the 32 to 52oz range. Right off the bat I'm looking for something rigid with high walls and the capacity to hold about 3lbs. For a visual thinker there's nothing quite like seeing something to spark inspiration. I found myself at Home Depot for another errand and decided to cruise through the plumbing fixtures aisle. I quickly settled on a 4” PVC Cap. PVC has the properties I was looking for; rigidity, strength, and a certain malleability. It's easily cut or filed into whatever shape you like. The 4” size was about the right diameter and about the right height.

    The next order of business was drainage. When you have an iced fountain drink and live somewhere humid you will have condensation collect in your cup holder. I drilled a fairly large diameter hole in the center of each cap.

    Then I needed to make the round side of the cap mate with the flat pedestal of the PanaVise. I suppose I could have reformed the pedestals but it seemed a better idea to me to file a flat spot on the side of each cap. PVC is tougher than I first appreciated. I tried several things but what ended up working best was clamping it in place and then cutting a flat spot about the right size with a hacksaw then finishing it with a flat bladed file, dremel, and an orbital sander.

    I used all of these things in varying amounts to get the job done.

    Once the flat spot was the right size I used the pedestal as a template to mark where to drill holes in the caps.

    Then it was time for paint. Well, not quite; I had to bust the “shine” off of the PVC caps so the paint could be able to bond well. I went over the whole surface with the orbital sander with sand paper and then red Scotchbrite. Next was primer. I ended up using three different kinds and as many colors that I had left over from other projects.

    So they started white....
    then dark gray primer...
    then white primer...
    then a medium gray primer....
    THEN satin black...
    And cure for a week.


    By the way, this is what your paint can instructions would call “humidity ABOVE 85%”...

    These are the final coat(s) of primer and the original Satin Black. I later scratched one of them and had to use yet another black paint and wait another week for it to cure!

    Here's the final semi-gloss black... which was yet again a different type and brand of paint.

    Another challenge was finding hardware that was the right size / length. Here I was also challenged by the curvature of the inner surface of the cup holder.

    Here's the fist assembled prototype. Trouble was I had only enough hardware for one end of one cup holder. I ended up using different, more common, more plentiful hardware.

    There's only so much space available in the lower center of a Civic Wagon and evidently, the Japanese designers figured you had better things to do while driving your Civic than enjoy a nice hot or cold beverage. Interestingly, they DID give us ashtrays. Even in the back seat... (!?)

    I have been rocking this cupholder mod for most of a year. It works but I had been thinking about finding another way to solve the problem.

    Somewhere in here rbwdriven helped bam-bam and me get our folks settled in a new place. That's a morning we won't soon forget however much we might try! But after that I grabbed this shot of the three wagons in bam's driveway.

    The other thing I like to build and mod is computer cases so I have several chassis sitting around. I grabbed the 5.25” drive cage out of one to become the base. Basically, I needed something to straddle the lower center console to which I could bolt the PanaVise bases. I used the Dremel to shave off all of the tabs and lips that hold optical drives in place. I like to clamp the piece I'm working on to this length of two-by.

    And then there was beer. This one is brewed close to where we grew up. It was pretty random for me to find it in my very local grocery so I grabbed some.

    Here's the drive cage with a fresh shave. Nothing left on the inside to scrape the console. In one way I was sorry to cut off so many bands in the steel (bends = rigidity) but on the other hand I think I'll be okay. The vertical edges nearest my arm in the second picture have a rolled edge which I was able to keep. Here you can see the rough outline of where I'll cut marked in blue Sharpie.

    Here's the piece.


    These two dim pictures show test fitting for position. This camera just does not like low light!

    Here I'm determining where to drill by resting the washer I intend to use on the inside as close to the corner as it will go. Then I switch to the PanaVise base for the four-hole-pattern. Once I've marked all eight holes I'll drill. I've clamped to a piece of scrap wood to drill into. Notice in the second of these three pictures there's a single drop of rain. It threatened rain all that afternoon, the humidity soared and the temperature dropped. That would come back to haunt me!

    After a week (mostly of the same humid, rainy weather) I pulled the piece in from the shed and baked it at 200 degrees for an hour. Usually, if you've applied the paint properly that will just cure the paint. If you've been painting in humid cool environment however, you've trapped some moisture under the paint and an hour in the oven will give you this.

    and Paint it the right way then bake for an hour and you get this!

    This stuff has drawn some attention lately but I've had this shelf liner on my dash since Dory's original rehab. It was just something I saw that Pebbles had done and I copied it. I've still got scraps and they come in handy for applications like this. I'm going to sandwich it between the drive cage and the lower center console for friction and to avoid scratching.

    And here it is in its finished form, the PanaVise (Almost) Infinitely Adjustable Cupholder!
    This is probably how it will stay unless somebody else rides up front with me. Mostly my passengers are young enough and small enough to be required by state law to ride in the back!
  • 3rd4ce3rd4ce Council Member
    thats an awesome MOD....!!!!!!

    i was lookingto do something like it also .....
    here was my source of idea ..... i bet u can use it better and faster than i can since im to busy until like ThanxGivin to get much done ..
  • TerminusVoxTerminusVox Senior Wagonist
    3rd4ce wrote: »
    thats an awesome MOD....!!!!!!

    i was lookingto do something like it also .....
    here was my source of idea ..... i bet u can use it better and faster than i can since im to busy until like ThanxGivin to get much done ..
    Boy, those Jeep guys really get obsessed, huh? Not like we much more sensible Honda people, lol.

    Wow, but he sure does want to hard mount a bunch of stuff to his dash. Of course, I imagine stopping to fish loose gadgets out is your footwells might get old real quick.

    If the PM I sent you doesn't come through or if you get about a dozen because how many times I hit refresh trying to get my phone to display the sent confirmation I'll try to sort that out a little bit later.
  • rbwdrivenrbwdriven Senior Wagonist

    That is brilliant. Might have to look into that for the white one.
  • 3rd4ce3rd4ce Council Member
    obsessed ... us ....

    NO NEVER .....

  • TerminusVoxTerminusVox Senior Wagonist
    rbwdriven wrote: »
    That is brilliant. Might have to look into that for the white one.
    Thank you! As bam pointed out earlier and 3rd4ce linked above, it has been some before. I did a little googling and found the unit on RAM mounts mentioned in that write up and it's sort of scary how similar it looks to mine. Of course, if I'm covering Jeep terrain in my 2wd Civic I may have other things to worry about than drink spillage.

    I admit nothing!
    The PMs and my phone don't seem to be on speaking terms anymore. Email me if you want or I'll follow up with you from my home computer
  • TerminusVoxTerminusVox Senior Wagonist
    I wanted to post one picture in regular daylight as well as after I had used the P(A)IAC[TM]. Here it is this evening. I've adjusted the cups for driver convenience to access the power port as well as frosty caffeinated beverages.
  • H_civic66H_civic66 Senior Wagonist
    Nice man. been awhile but great innovating.
  • PrennroPrennro Council Member
    I was wondering what this mod would look like. Bam showed me them when i was there and I figured he'd beat you to it. Looks good, innovative and a very usable mod. Ive been contemplating cup holders as well. Will def use this as a reference when I get around to doing one. Nice Job!:encouragement:
  • TerminusVoxTerminusVox Senior Wagonist
    H_civic66 wrote: »
    Nice man. been awhile but great innovating.
    Thanks! With a small budget it's all about turning what you have into what you want. I've been working (off and on) on a new cup holder mod for A YEAR... this is actually the second attempt. I just could not make the first one work.
    Prennro wrote: »
    I was wondering what this mod would look like. Bam showed me them when i was there and I figured he'd beat you to it. Looks good, innovative and a very usable mod. Ive been contemplating cup holders as well. Will def use this as a reference when I get around to doing one. Nice Job!:encouragement:
    Thank you! Between you and me, I think bam let me get this one out first. Not that he didn't have other things to keep him busy; he pretty much finished Goldie while I was tinkering around with this thing. As always, I'm interested to see his solution to the same problem using mostly the same components!
  • xtinmanxxtinmanx Band Wagon
    That's genius!
  • TerminusVoxTerminusVox Senior Wagonist
    xtinmanx wrote: »
    That's genius!
    Thanks! You know what they say; 'necessity is the mother of invention.' If that's true then maybe poverty is the baby-mama of innovation.

    I got the chance to see what happens to my nifty cupholder when two adults sit in the front seat the other day when my wife and I had doctors appointments on the same morning. Pretty much she held her drink and my can of soda sat unopened on the dash while the cupholder was folded out of the way. Maybe if it weren't two wide-bodied people it could've worked.
  • TerminusVoxTerminusVox Senior Wagonist
    Got a new sticker today. I hope you get one like it, too.
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    Damn right.
  • Due to my of broke-osity I decided to try fitting the cupholder into the wagon. This one is similar to the Wal*Mart cupholder but I couldn't find one there ...I think this one came from the OtterZone.


    I took the front off in sections with a hacksaw. My thought was to preserve as much structural integrity as possible - turns out I didn't need to; the section where the cups go is still stable. I bet it would be as long as you didn't cut into the actually cup-holding part.


    The other thing I did was mold the inside of the box so the shifter could go all the way forward into Park without bumping. First I got it warm enough with a heatgun and pressed a 2xD cell MagLite into it until it would clear the shifter. I was left with an unsightly ridge that I might've filed off with the half-round file I was using to smooth edges but it would have broken through the plastic and left an even more unsightly HOLE.


    To make sure it doesn't fall off once it's in place I put some 2-sided tape (3M 4011 Permanent Outdoor Mounting Tape) on the underside where it would sit against the console. Although it's "permanent" tape I've peeled it off of other projects after prolonged periods without leaving residue. That'll be handy if/when I find a solution I like better.


    I wanted a curved edge at the front bottom so it wouldn't snag on things like pants-legs. And so it would look cooler. I traced around an old (almost) useless CDRom for a nice wide round curve then cut it along the line with a pair of heavy duty scissors. Might've ruined the scissors but hey, they were $2 at Northern Tool so I can probably manage to replace them if I have to, huh? There wasn't a good line to cut the quarters slot off the cupholder so I kept it. Of all the coins to keep in the car quarters are probably the most useful.


    I broke out the DupliColor Interior Vinyl & Fabric paint I used for the speaker pods, rubbing alcohol, and Norton sanding pad (like Scothbrite) rated as "000" (like steel wool) to scuff it up enough to get the paint to stick. I wiped the piece down with alcohol to get the gunk off, scuffed it, then wiped it down with alcohol again. I let it dry then applied the paint according to the instructions on the can.


    Observations: In Park 12oz cans, .5 liter bottles and 20oz bottles fit well. In Drive a larger cup will fit but gets kind of smushed if you don't remove it before shifting to Park. The cigarette lighter is accessible but with the USB adapter to charge my phone the right cup is obscured. Since it's usually just me in the front seat one cupholder should do for now and I'll look for a lower profile USB charger adapter. In retrospect, it probably would look better painted black with something like Bumper Coat. Directly against the actual Honda blues this blue is more obviously different then both.

    Should have paint it black, but all in all you got skills bro!! Keep up the good build
  • TerminusVoxTerminusVox Senior Wagonist
    Should have paint it black, but all in all you got skills bro!! Keep up the good build
    True that! Or I should have left it black. Thanks!

    I may yet revert to this mod but I am digging the Panavise right now!
  • TerminusVoxTerminusVox Senior Wagonist
    It's been quiet around these parts. Still, maybe Santa will have some goodies in his Christmas Wagon for me!

    Here's a picture of the Daily Wagon going about it's family truckster duties outside the local school. It might not surprise you to hear that the teachers watching the door know by sight of the car which kids to call to be picked up! "Nobody's got a car like that!"

    Got invited on a parts crawl with bam-bam and rbwdriven.

    Here we are packing it in at PAP South, headed out for PAP East. We had found and retrieved some rare 'unicorn horns' but had not found our main objective.

    These two guys are Civic-savants. Whether it's spotting them in spite of having been stripped of their bumpers, fenders, hoods, grills, etc. or remembering what parts can (or cannot) be swapped into our wagons. bam-bam has a special talent for remembering where on the yard he has seen a particular car, what its condition is, what goodies it had on it the last he was there. So I mainly came home with an education!
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    We were primarily searching for a suitable rear end for my Suburban, which we found and I installed. Test drove it last night, nice and quiet but speedo is off 4-5 mph at 60.

    But the real good stuff: RBW bought a pair of EX knuckles and calipers, some hatchback mirror trims, some seatback knobs.

    I got my diff, plus a spare OBD1 LS dizzy and a pristine autobelt style battery/ starter cable complete with fuseholders and red plastic cover! It's the little things. Thanks, rbw.
  • TerminusVoxTerminusVox Senior Wagonist
    I've got to get on some of those DA seats. I just need to get out there and snag a matched pair.

    I've been thinking for a couple days now that I need to make a 'wishlist' of mods I want to do then prioritize it for cost & ability to get best bang for buck. I started with a list, I just need to update, revise, and refocus.
  • rbwdrivenrbwdriven Senior Wagonist
    Yes I did get in the dog house a little. Mental note when you go out in somebody else's wagon. Take your bloody phone charger.

    Hey bam you put my up to it with the oh I'd really like to find an autobelt battery connector.

    We found two unicorns in two yards.

    That is the first time I've seen one of those battery terminal connectors in that good a shape.
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