EE/EF/DA Interchangable parts (Please Add)



  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    All the wagon steering columns will interchange AFAIK.
  • yes steering racks are easy to swap out . just remember to mark both racks at center . so when you put them back in you wont have as much to adjust when you have it aligned . my wagon came with power now it dont took the rack out of a 91 dx hatch ... and put it in my 88 . with no problem .
  • doitdub wrote:
    Says that headlights are interchangeable, year specific. Will any 89 Civic/CRX headlight work on my 89 Wagon?

    Will any 88-91 civic/crx headlight work on a 88 wagon?
  • TheGmanTheGman Wagonist
    chuckshin wrote:

    Will any 88-91 civic/crx headlight work on a 88 wagon?

    Yes. They are indeed all the same.
  • thanks a bunch Gman!
  • Do EF hatch/sedan headlights fit a civic wagon?
  • ilovemyEE wrote:
    Do EF hatch/sedan headlights fit a civic wagon?
    TheGman wrote:

    Yes. They are indeed all the same.
  • okayy thanks!! soo 88-89 90-91 ef headlights have differnet brakets?
  • H_civic66H_civic66 Senior Wagonist
    I believe you have to change out the bracket to fit between 88-89 and 90-91. So yes just switch out to which ever you need. Atleast I think thats right.
  • good to know. thanks!
  • pelon921pelon921 New Wagonist
    Does anyone know if the windsheild wipers arms are all the same on the 88-91 civics?
    I took mine off to paint them, forgot to put them back on and ended up loosing the drivers side one.
    (i think the metal pickup guy took em) cuz they were in my front yard :| )
    So i was just using rainx and the passenger wiper, it works really good, but looks kinda weird, and its gonna start raining soon, and id rather be safe then sorry.

    So the windsheild wipers do fit like 100%
    Also Rear CRX Wipers do not fit on rear!
    The screw hole is to wide on the rear crx wiper arm.
    Civic hatch one fits buts its small
  • slammedap1slammedap1 Band Wagon
    Any one know if auto transfer case fits manual awd transmission
  • 90rexzc90rexzc New Wagonist
    Can anyone confirm front seat fitment from 88-89 sedan to wagon? I read the whole thread and didnt see a definite yes or no, just an "I think so".
  • ZCHondaCRX91ZCHondaCRX91 New Wagonist
    heater/ac setup - yes

    Does this mean the climate controls are interchangable between wagons and hatches/sedans? Any year?
  • NewHondaGuyNewHondaGuy Band Wagon
    I dont think i read anything about it on this thred, but does anyone know if i can fit another fuel tank into 91 rt4wd? Ive looked all over and cant find a replacement so i was wondering if i could sub for another one...
  • LowFlyin'LowFlyin' Moderator
    I can add something that doesn't work.

    The 88-89 Prelude Si knuckles have 10.2" brakes on them with the same calipers, hubs, and wheel bearings as the DA/EX knuckles.

    The height of the knuckle is the same as the EX, which is shorter than the DA, and has a shorter tie-rod end arm (quicker steering ratio). The knuckle also has a similar bow to the DA, so you can run a higher back spacing on the wheel (15x8, +35mm; for example)

    However, the location of the upper ball-joint receptacle is closer the hub, horizontally. This means it is a massive positive camber correction. I have Skunk2 adjustable upper control arms on my Wagon, and with them at full negative and the car lower 2", I still had +1º camber.

    1 positive, though...the Prelude knuckle pushes the wheel mounting surface of the rotor further out, and there is a good 1/2" more clearance from wheel spoke to caliper.
  • heater/ac setup - yes

    Does this mean the climate controls are interchangable between wagons and hatches/sedans? Any year?

    Yeah the climate controls should be the same. I have a setup in mine right now that's made from the good parts of 3 different climate controls. 1 Wagon, 1 sedan, 1 CRX. They are the same, EXCEPT some of the CRX's had a different all-push-button style Climate Control setup. Those obviously won't work, but the normal ones with the one big knob for heat control, and the sliders for the vent control and fan speed and fresh air/recirculate, Those are the same across all the models.
  • didnt see this posted, the front t brace where the hood latch and relase is, its the same on a 90 crx si and a 91 usdm rt4wd wagon

    Need a confirm and more info on this.. are the braces the same on the DX wagon as the rt4wd? And why 90 crx si? Is it different than non-si? Annnnddd what about sedans and hatches? Do they fit?
  • LowFlyin'LowFlyin' Moderator
    Wanted to post a correction.

    In the first post it states that DA rear shocks can be used. While they can be used, they are roughly 1.5" taller than the EE and ED chassis shocks.

    EG would be a better alternative as they are actually slightly shorter (~0.5").

    This is speaking in terms of someone wanting stock ride height or lower. If you are wanting to raise your wagon, then more power to you!
  • JDMWago666JDMWago666 Senior Wagonist
    Need a confirm and more info on this.. are the braces the same on the DX wagon as the rt4wd? And why 90 crx si? Is it different than non-si? Annnnddd what about sedans and hatches? Do they fit?

    From what I've seen with the t bar, they are all the same. Crx, sedan, hatch and wagon all use the same t bar. I've been to the junkyard many times and have matched up the t bars that are there. Mine was bent when I bought it and I used a crx t bar. Than during my motor swap the crx t bar got mangled and now I'm using a sedan t bar.
    Not sure if the si model is different but I wouldn't think that it is as it seems the si ex and rt models are pretty much the same.(don't qoute me on that)
  • JDMWago666 wrote: »
    From what I've seen with the t bar, they are all the same. Crx, sedan, hatch and wagon all use the same t bar. I've been to the junkyard many times and have matched up the t bars that are there. Mine was bent when I bought it and I used a crx t bar. Than during my motor swap the crx t bar got mangled and now I'm using a sedan t bar.
    Not sure if the si model is different but I wouldn't think that it is as it seems the si ex and rt models are pretty much the same.(don't qoute me on that)

    Thank you, Sir! Much appreciated!
  • So a bumper and fenders from an 90 will fit on an 89 or not?
  • NZ-DB8RNZ-DB8R Moderator
    efkidd525 wrote: »
    So a bumper and fenders from an 90 will fit on an 89 or not?

    The info is in this thread
  • Just wanted to add this thread got good shiiz, but I went through it all an I don't think anyone add what I went through but an brake master and brake booster from an 93 si delsol fit in my 91 rt... Just figure I add my 2 cents
  • the mexthe mex Band Wagon
    hey guys im a newb but would the bumper light fit from an ef or sedan hach or crx
  • Where would I find a kit to make my 88rtawd have power doors and windows
  • JDMWago666JDMWago666 Senior Wagonist
    ^^this has been covered in some build threads.
  • 88awdrt88awdrt Band Wagon
    There was no definite answer on the axles. What ones are and arent interchangable?
  • Just curious if any ef/da fuel pumps and main relays would fit in a 89 rt4wd.
    Gotta Change mine very soon.
  • would 90-91 ef crx gauge cluster fit my wagon?
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