Simplyhonda's RT-4WD

Well, I picked up "Wagondriver's" 89' RT wagon from the for sale section yesterday! Traded him my motorcycle for it. Very happy with my trade! 166K, Cold Air, Running good! As soon as I got home with it, clean-up began. My buddy Jim was there to help. He details cars at the local Ferrari & Lamborghini dealer. Good guy to know! What a job. Here are the pics.
Me picking up the wagon. (crappy phone pics) We met at IKEA in Charlotte, NC. Notice my bike in his truck in the background. You really can get cool stuff at IKEA!!

My bike I traded 72' CB100

Back home and washed 2 hours later. (Nice Window Sticker!!)

Bottle of P/S fluid had dumped in the back along with a pine tree. Ewww.

Seats out - Nasty!



These need attention!

Back is fresh! Much better!

Love the stock AWD wheels. Powdercoating soon to come!

First problem! No big deal. Off to Napa!

Picked these up last week from "88hybrid's" partout for my 2WD build. Build scratched for 4WD build! 2WD probably going up for sale soon!

Oh Yeah!

Motor Shot!

Well back to work! More pis to come as work continues! Thanks Wagondriver!
Me picking up the wagon. (crappy phone pics) We met at IKEA in Charlotte, NC. Notice my bike in his truck in the background. You really can get cool stuff at IKEA!!

My bike I traded 72' CB100

Back home and washed 2 hours later. (Nice Window Sticker!!)

Bottle of P/S fluid had dumped in the back along with a pine tree. Ewww.

Seats out - Nasty!



These need attention!

Back is fresh! Much better!

Love the stock AWD wheels. Powdercoating soon to come!

First problem! No big deal. Off to Napa!

Picked these up last week from "88hybrid's" partout for my 2WD build. Build scratched for 4WD build! 2WD probably going up for sale soon!

Oh Yeah!

Motor Shot!

Well back to work! More pis to come as work continues! Thanks Wagondriver!
I had a CB350 that I restored and sold shortly after. Miss that bike.
I have been looking for a year now for a wagon in that colour & have had no luck so far.
I cleaned the rear, shampooed the carpet. Scrubbed the headliner, doors, dash, rear seats & soaked it all in armorall. Starting to look and smell much better! I also fiberglassed the broken e-brake cover back together. and removed broken gauge face.
Also managed to get all the wheels off finally! I think godzilla put them on last time. I have never had such a time. Broke a stock lugwrench with pipe attached!, large craftsman rachet, & a 1/2 - 3/8" adappator. Finally got them free with a large borrowed breaker bar and deep impact socket. So much for proper torque!
More to come!
keep it up.
i've cleaned mine somewhat intensive and i still find dirt, stains, etc.
some people just don't care for their cars at all.
i've seen late-model cars in worse shape than my wagon.
Ugly valve cover!
This looks pretty good
The Strip
Ahh Fresh!
Painted my mudflaps. I love it - Looks hot!
Also started on the seats.
All for now. There will be more!
Passenger seat done!
Disassembling drivers seat
This is going to be fun
Tools of the trade
My buddy Garcia helping me out! He loves the wagon too. (Notice mud flaps!)
Anyone know how I can fix this bumper? It looks like it warped due to heat from the muffler.
Maybe a heat gun to keep the paint from cracking as you push up on it with a jack and apiece of something flat??? That might help. A heat shield on the muffler might help to prevent further damage too...I know summit or jegs has muffler wraps that hot rodders use
much easier and cheaper.
it makes sense to me.
Also, I went to the DMV friday and got my tags! Took her out for the first time yesterday, and today
I took the family on a 150 mi. trip up to the mountains. Wagon did great! Now that it is on the road it will be nice to slow down working on it a bit and enjoy driving. Next area of concentration is the body. I want to get it waxed up and fix the two small rusty spots as well as remove a few dents. Also want to beef up the audio and get my Yakima rack back from my friend Grrr.... (don't let your good friends borrow your good racks! If you do, make sure they give them back before they move cross country!) All in due time. Here is a parting shot from today's ride!
Thanks on the mudflaps! I love how they turned out!
not bad at all.
I also installed some Polk tweeters with component woofers in the door. They sound great!
Oh yeah! And I installed my Center Console that arrived friday! So Stoked!
Maybe soon Ill upgrade my head unit if I can quit buying other crap.
I still have to install the armrest. It was in pretty poor shape , so I am in the process of recovering and doing some fiberglass work on it, but it will be fresh and installed soon enough!
Now it is on to more routine maintence!
Anyone else have trouble seperating the axle from the half shaft? I can't get it loose. There has got to be a trick to this.