that is one of my sets but its not the one off the wagon those are the 15x7 zero offset in the rear + 15 up front. i mad them for a dude with a da but he was afrade to tuck them so he sold them.
that is sad.. such a nice set of wheels on a car like that.. i had cash and i would have paid what ever you wanted for those wheels..
funny you say that i got a set in the mix thats are right up your ally, 15x9 reverse chrome barrels neon green ("mt dew can" is what the color is called) zero offset not sure what i want for them just going to finish them and ask for offers.....
that is one of my sets but its not the one off the wagon those are the 15x7 zero offset in the rear + 15 up front. i mad them for a dude with a da but he was afrade to tuck them so he sold them.
thanks man yeah it was a lota fun to build...
my exhuast? a buddy and i fab'd it up... ORC DEAN!
lol i guess! if your still looking for a wagon i got one in mind right up your ally.. pm me if your still looking.
lol where you from?
pasa un buen dia.
bump sucka
Can't wait regardless!
Where would I go about to get my wheels done like this?
well those are one of the sets i made, but where are you at? nw?
thank you sir, will do!
yea my uncle owns drz performance and makes custom wheels
i know there's something to say or show us.