Almostnicklees midwest wago-build

Hello guys, i have here my 1991 base wagon. Just thought i would share my build with you. It may be slow, but it will be done! Questions, concerns, DIY tips MUCH appreciated. 
Here it is from day 1.

Skunk 2 shift knob for 20$? Im on it!

dual gauge pod. Not sure where to put it.

Ive been wanting to fab a center console with an arm rest. but these darn auto belt thingers are huge... any suggestions?

Here it is from day 1.

Skunk 2 shift knob for 20$? Im on it!

dual gauge pod. Not sure where to put it.

Ive been wanting to fab a center console with an arm rest. but these darn auto belt thingers are huge... any suggestions?
Anyways. Heres what i was up to today! I know some people may or may not like it.
But I likey. 8) the headliner glue is very sticky.
I had my friend drive in front of me to see if they would be too scattered to have on. but surprisingly they did not glare too badly.
Springs and shocks came.
I noticed there are no shock replacement DIYS here.
Wow! Here we go!! I love the color of your wagon!
Off to work to grab some jackstands and put in my 9 hours
Driving to the girlfrands house.
My integra. (shmautomatic)
I love the interior in this thing though!
And for when it gets warm out...
Dun dun dun...The girlfriend on my FZR600
I hope warm weather comes soon.
I started to try and take apart the throttle body to clean. But o-m-g the screws on top of the plastic cover that is over it will not come off.
Took off the throttle body and adjusted the TPS. As it sat it read about .650 OHM idle and 5.0 WOT. Which is pretty good, but a little high on the wot.(i do not know how to adjust WOT reading) i adjusted the idle to .500 tightened everything up and put it back together. After about 4 hours in 25 degree weather i started it back up. My idle is about 300 too high, need to adjust a tad. BUT, the first gear shudder is minimized A LOT. It is still there but not as bad. Next on the list will be the front motor mount.
If anyone has any questions feel free to ask!
My first gear vibration is totally gone now! Thanks to the front motor mount.
Look at how badly torn that bugger is. grr. Good thing is that the motor reacts much better, no vibration, and it only took 30minutes. Any questions...ask away!
Nobody can see a thing!
I also got a free set of steelies from a friend. he broke one of my hub caps on the integra, so we settled on these.
The tires are garbage, but the rims are in awesome shape, perfect centercaps! So that got me thinking, I want a little color. Heres the first coat.
I think i may go with a black center portion with a red lip.
Front seats
And the best for last. This is douglas, the moose wago mascot.
And thank you bam for sending me the stickers! they look awesome!
Im going to nap now! adios
until i find a way to make the side mounts.
Here's the cover when its off.
These are the trim pieces I spoke of.
And the channels that hold the cover in place.
It fits pretty well. But its a very tight fit. so where it is, is probably the only way it's going to fit in here. Here's the gap on the right
and the left
It does make a little noise while driving. but in every car ive been in with these covers its normal. It was quick and cheap and it does do a good job covering everything. I screwed directly into my panels because the lady before me had already destroyed them by cutting holes/ scratched all over.
Also. I spent some time outside yesterday and did front pads and rotors. stops like a charm. Check another thing off the list...