My Brown Wagon

Haven’t had time to make this thread about my wagon but here it is 1990 FWD automatic ? but it’s clean and looking mean ? with a little rust bubbles progress will be very slow nothing is going to happen to it soon just enjoying it as is


  • The wood wheel and the brown cup holder fit the interior so well. Seems like a great little cruiser. What are your long term plans/dreams for it?

  • Vtec_ShuttleVtec_Shuttle Wagonist
    edited January 2020

    @superhatch This is definitely a cruiser I love it,? it’s not meant to go fast ?. Long term making sure it won’t break down and still be on the road enjoying it having that smile on my face, dreams I have full swap from a CRV to make it RT4WD if I want I also have my old wagon RT4WD components too so one day make RT4WD with the CRV swap but if I do that I would love to take it to a track/drag strip and have fun with it but that’s just a dream for now

  • The weather was decent enough to take the wagon out for a wash and a nice drive The only thing I’ve done so far was replace water pump and fix timing

  • I feel like that needs and exhaust and an ebay turbo. :P

  • Vtec_ShuttleVtec_Shuttle Wagonist
    edited March 2020

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    @superhatch haha my other wagon will be getting the HKS exhaust. still not sure what i want to do with this one I'm just driving/enjoying it when the days are nice but I'm planning on taking the RT wheels to get powder coated either to factory color (white) or maybe gun metal

  • Nothing new just took out the wagon for a couple shots in a parking garage one thing that will be changing are the wheel color going factory white can wait excited to see them when done and mounted back on

  • SPWSPW Senior Wagonist

    Love the wheels. ?

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    @SPW Me too, I sent them out for powder coat to the factory color white with the little black around the holes still waiting to get them back

  • Those wheels look dope!

    Do you have someone local that does powder coating work?

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    @superhatch RT4WD wheels are one of my favorites, it’s my friends friend that does powder coat as a side job in his garage I’ve seen his work looks good but we’ll see when I get my wheels back hopefully soon

  • unlimited02unlimited02 Senior Wagonist

    nice ass ride!

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    @unlimited02 thank you I was lucky to find this one in real clean shape for its age and being from Illinois

  • unlimited02unlimited02 Senior Wagonist
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    nice... yea its tough looking for a clean one... too me awhile to find another one... when i didn't have the cash, wagons would pop up all the time... and when i did have the cash nothing was in sight haha... but i'm glad i found this one... i was lucky also b/c this wagon belong to a another guy i knew, so i pm him that hey we know the some ppl can u save it for me... lots of ppl pm the guy but he said it was on hold for a friend...=D

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    @unlimited02 haha sounds about right it happens like that, that's good yeah your wagon is clean definitely clean

  • got The wheels back from powder coat, I painted the center caps and finally took it off the jack stands to drive around and take some quick pictures, I really like the look.

  • superhatchsuperhatch Moderator

    That looks super clean! Barreled a little or full OEM? What size tire are you running.

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    @superhatch full OEM specs. I really wish i could get them barreled but no one in Chicago offers that type of service that i know of but I'll have to look/ask around still, 175/70R14 these are really meaty haha

  • andreas542andreas542 Band Wagon

    Looks awesome! For me it's a reminder that these cars don't need to be "slammed" with deep-dish wheels to look great.

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    @andreas542 thank you. You're right just lower it a little throw some nice wheels and your good to go, i do like the look with a little deep lip but I'll rather have it look like

  • nothing new just took it out over the past weekend for some photos that i took/edited

  • Cool wagons ! I really like the brown colour I’ve never seen a Honda that colour here in Ireland I will be keeping up to date with your builds man ??


    super clean man. the white wheels and the center caps on the brown just pops. i want fender lights so bad. i have them but im not that comfortable digging into the fender all willy nilly. i want oem shaped holes where it just clicks in.

    keep up the good work, brown wagon brother!

    i was never a fan of the color brown till i got mine.

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    Thank you, I’m just trying to keep it clean and running haha not much I’m going to do with it

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    Thank you, I love the the brown color with white wheels a lot, I’ve seen some how to for the fender markers forgot where I saw them probably in here somewhere.

  • nothing really new just oil change and changed the brakes all the way around rear drums is a P A I N !

    Old vs New

    Also I picked up some 1987 CRX Si Wheels (phone dials) (buttons) great price for all six

    I hand sanded them down and rattle can white

    I really haven’t took pictures of these wheels on the wagon yet. I need to get out more

    Nothing crazy Will happen but I will update as I go on

  • Time has come I put the wagon Up for sale and sold In five days these are the last photos I took before going on the trailer on its way to California, I’m not out the game yet I still have my Red RT4WD that I’m going to work on just wait for it

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