Sweet. Well bad news all 4 wheels are bent. So my guy trying to work magic with wheel company. Also replacing the rear camber arms with SPC. eBay ones are SHIT of course cause its eBay
Oh no not my fault its manufacturings fault. Hadn't even gone more then 50 miles and a buddy was driving next to me and saw wobbles. Ill find out soon this week what will happen
I used to work for schwabies and my woman still does infact had them change my oil, align, and balance my tires today. I am way to cheap to buy anything from them but i get enough free flat repairs and re-balances for free i atleast have to give them some money from time to time.
Hope it all gets figured out those wheels are so dope.
hahaha ur car impress everyone
I used to work for schwabies and my woman still does infact had them change my oil, align, and balance my tires today. I am way to cheap to buy anything from them but i get enough free flat repairs and re-balances for free i atleast have to give them some money from time to time.
Hope it all gets figured out those wheels are so dope.
Motegi mr224 16x9.5 et10
Motegi mr224 16x9.5 et10
Motegi mr224 16x9.5 et10
Intake finally
old crappy eBay rear camber arm