Today was interesting. Was out running errands for work. Check engine light comes on. O2 sensor, so went to replace it. Things stuck as hell, get it out and it brought the threads with it. Ran a tap through and it worked fine. Then a coworker noticed I had not brake lights. Somehow lost power to the switch. Started digging around, the aftermarket cruise control was a mess under the dash. Ended up finding a constant 12v and tapping that and now they work.
And we are supposed to get 5" of snow tonight hoping for a little rt hoonage
Tonight I fixed a leaky heater hose so thats nice to keep the coolant in the engine bay. Also picked up a decent fender that will go on soon, and its red already to no need to repaint. Trying to sell it but want to throw money at it too, dilemas
Blew the head gasket. It sucks because I'm trying to move into a new place and won't be able to pull it apart till after school gets out and I get all settled in.
Soooooo........Got my head set in the mail the other day. USPS can suck a big ole fat one. Package was all messed up, open it up and the head gasket was bent and cracked in a few places. Going to have to send it back and get a replacement. Another week or two with the wagon out of commission
Well got about 4" of rain last night. Woke up to a soggy passenger side. More like a lake. Carpet is out, all the water is out of the floor. Need to find the leak and clean the carpet, again.
Tach is messed up. It's either not functioning or working fine. Ill pull the distributor cap off tomorrow to see if anything noticeable is wrong. But other than that I might replace the igniter or find a different dizzy. Any suggestions?
And we are supposed to get 5" of snow tonight
Probably more like 90% haha
Cheap, thin sheet metal + abuses of an economy car = very few good fenders left