94 JDM Shuttle Automatic Climate Control

Does anyone know which model has the same climate control with the 94 JDM Honda civic shuttle?


  • Don't JDM SIR's have the Auto climate control??? Not to sure but I thought they did
  • this is a great piece of novelty but from what i remember dont you have to get the whole system not just the controls? the i guess you could call it the baffle box the cable line for the heat, wiring, ect... years ago a friend did this swap and was able to use the crx electric baffle box. its been a long time but for some reason i remember its not that easy :wink: also yea its 89-92 crx's and 89-91 top model civic's that also came with it as far as i know.
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    EF3, EF5, EF7, EF8 and EF9 all come with them depending on what the purchaser ticked when they bought it. :)
  • Yeah, A/C is a lot les complicated than climate control. That comes with an extra ECU behind the centre A/C box and a bunch of extra wiring.

    It's possible to retro fit it, but make sure you grab the bits from someone who knows what they are parting out from the car.
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