rear speakers?

i have a 91 rt awd wagon. it doesnt have the speaker pods in the back. are there still lead for the speakers in the back somewhere? i want to install some 6x9s in the back but dont want to have to run wire all the way from the deck, does anyone know if there are leads in the back?


  • JDMshuttleJDMshuttle Senior Wagonist
    no there are no lead to thr rear i still have to install my rear pod as soon as i do i will post some pics :lol: :lol: going JDM is not just a fad its an ADDICTION I <3 MY SHUTTLE EE2'S kick ass
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    correction, there is a lead to the rear. no need to re-wire from the deck. all you have to do, is pull back the panel (the one where you seatbelts come out) and you should find a wire-set taped together that's taped to the wall. i strung it thru a hole already in the plastic. just popped out the little filler and it went right thru.



    that a pic of my old custom 6.5" speaker box. bumped pretty hard. upgraded to a custom 6x9 speaker box


    those bump pretty hard too. now i have a rear-deck with Blaupunkt 6x9's in them and two 10" polk db104. its a great set up. the 6x9's by themselves do a great job.
  • wagodizzlewagodizzle Council Member and EDM expert
    thats some awesome you know if the Hatchback has a lead as well?
  • JDMshuttleJDMshuttle Senior Wagonist
    i have ripped apart two wagons and there are no wires back there for your info that little hole you mention is a plastic screw that holds the back plastic to the car i have stock speaker pods that im going to put in just have to go buy speakers and run them from the radio to the back 8)
  • keith750keith750 Wagonist
    thanks duckie. going to look for that tomorrow as soon as i wake up. bought the wood and carpet for the cargo cover mod today. ill take pictures as soon as im finished with it, thank you for the helpful information, greatly appreciated. :D
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    uh yeah, i knew it was a plstic screw, i took it out remember? when its out, its a hole. you dont really need that plastic screw.

    the hatch should have a lead, but im not completely sure on that. because the Si came with rear speaker pods, but i have no clue about the DX

    great rear-deck mod. i see it in the other section. the H in the middle was a nice addition. i've yet to take pictures of mine. i keep putting it off. i just got my rims in today, so those go on tonight. and i bought an accord front lip, so i guess after everything is on, i'll snap some good photos, rear-deck n all.
  • JDMshuttleJDMshuttle Senior Wagonist
    duckie i ripped my car apart for some more parts and found those wires sorry dude good eye on seeing those damn things mine were behind all the other shit ass wires thanks sorry about that again im going to put in my rear stock speaker pods asap thanks because now it will be hella easy :oops:
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    no biggie. i didnt find them on my own. someone else told me about them, i had to dig for them too. it does make things easier if you want to do speakers in the back.
  • JDMshuttleJDMshuttle Senior Wagonist
    yea once i get speakers in the pods the stock pods will go back around the x-brace thanks again
  • WagovanWagovan Band Wagon

    Keep looking they're there.

    by the way your car looks good...I'm glad you left the wing off of it...

    The wires...They are there...Trust me!
  • JDMshuttleJDMshuttle Senior Wagonist
  • keith750keith750 Wagonist
    thanks for the comment duckie, i tore that panel off, guess i didnt look hard enough, cuz i didnt find the wires, so i just ran them from the front, no big deal. its sounds awesome though, next i think im gonna install my 10 inch subs in to the deck. ill take pics once that happens.
  • jpciiijpciii familEE
    Do you have to remove the entire panel to get at those wires? Also, are both the right and left channel wires located on the right side of the car?... or do I need to remove the panels on both sides?

    thanks in advance.
  • JDMshuttleJDMshuttle Senior Wagonist
    they are on both sides :D
  • jpciiijpciii familEE
    oh joy!

    so... how much do I have to remove to get at them? :?
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    not much really. you just need to unscrew some screws, then pull it back. it helps to have someone to put their hand in and grab the wire. there really isnt much removing, more like grabbing the wire
  • jpciiijpciii familEE
    can someone be more specific as to what I need to remove and where am I reaching to find these wires? I'd rather not tear apart my interior any more than I need to. Thanks.
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    you really arent pulling anything apart.

    put the seats down, and the plastic molding there is what you need to pull back. the wires should be taped there. i'll take pics soon to show you what you need to pull back
  • jpciiijpciii familEE
    down low by the hump?

    Thanks a lot for your help, man.
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    no, its at the top, near the window. pull that back a bit and reach a hand down there and search for it.
  • cjswagoncjswagon Band Wagon
    I just did mine you will have to remove the two plastic screws at the bottom and the just pull the panel out enough. The speaker wires will be taped but they are covered with a piece of vinyl so you will know which ones they are. Hope this helps.
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