88-91 Brand new corner lenses by Ikon Motorsports

I don't have them installed yet, but I thought I'd get some pictures up and post a bit of a review on these Ikon Motorsports corner lenses. Thanks to Billboard for mentioning them. Not sure if anyone else had done so before him but I saw in a thread he was talking about "Can't get much better than new" and referenced these.
So yes these are newly produced lenses, and they're actually doing them in three varieties, orange, clear and smoked. They look to be a copy of the Euro spec lens where it's only got the one bulb. Not the dual color US light where you have a front bulb and then a secondary bulb behind the turn signal reflector.
So you could do various things with these. My current setup is all clear OEM lenses that I picked up a while ago, I just have running lights in those and have gone with the JDM fender turn signals. You can do it that way or you can have it be a turn signal, the choice obviously is yours. Just know that if you were running the US setup with two bulbs, you'll have to figure out where to route that other bulb if you want to do anything with it at all. Not sure if these guys can be convinced to do the two light setup, the mold is obviously more complex and when dealing with things like this usually the large cost of investment is in the mold itself.
O.k. on with the review itself. Which will be updated further when I actually get these lenses installed. Also I'm not getting anything from Ikon Motorsports for writing this, so it's my honest review.
For reference I paid $69.99 for these shipped at the time of purchase, which was about a week before this was written. There are a couple minor flaws, but I think it's quite acceptable for what you pay. I've seen the clear OEM ones go for twice this sometimes.
O.k. so in the picture below, the lens itself does look quite nice, the things I would point out on this one is a bit of adhesive squeezeout on the top, a touch at the bottom, and the way the lens protrudes past the housing at the back. It's something you could run with easily, but possibly could use a touch of cleanup. It may be something that they work out the quirks of, if they're so obligated. I've dealt with companies before in the scooter industry where a few years in they'll get something right after feedback from the buyers. Just depends on what shop these guys are dealing with. They could be producing them in house, no idea.
So that said you could do a bit of sanding on things, mask and respray the housing and it would look much better.

The back design is pretty clever. They come with these slip on clips that go in the holes that would normally house the screws on the 88-89 model. So you slide them off here pop them in those spots then these slip on the same way the 90-91 does. So that's how they get away with making these cover all four years of the 4th gen. I personally like the way they look without the screws through the lens, so good on them for coming up with this.

Here you can see a bit of the lens overlap that I was mentioning. Not a major deal but could use a little work.

A little more detail on the area of adhesive squeezeout at the top.

So all in all I think these are pretty decent. Like I said before I'll update this when I get them on the car to see how the actual fit is.
I also spoke with Ikon Motorsports, and they said they do group buys. Not saying there's one going on right now, but if there's enough interest it could potentially be something to get some of these out there for an even better price. They currently show them on sale on their ebay auctions, not sure if that price is gonna go up after their current run is out.
And for everyones reference who just want to pick them up here are the auction links, again I didn't get paid in any form for any referral to them just putting this out there for those of us in need of some lenses who aren't having any luck finding clean OEM.
Amber: http://www.ebay.com/itm/281855911076 sitting at $69.99 still
Clear: http://www.ebay.com/itm/391319461020 sitting at $64.99
Smoke: http://www.ebay.com/itm/391319462127 sitting at $49.99
So yes these are newly produced lenses, and they're actually doing them in three varieties, orange, clear and smoked. They look to be a copy of the Euro spec lens where it's only got the one bulb. Not the dual color US light where you have a front bulb and then a secondary bulb behind the turn signal reflector.
So you could do various things with these. My current setup is all clear OEM lenses that I picked up a while ago, I just have running lights in those and have gone with the JDM fender turn signals. You can do it that way or you can have it be a turn signal, the choice obviously is yours. Just know that if you were running the US setup with two bulbs, you'll have to figure out where to route that other bulb if you want to do anything with it at all. Not sure if these guys can be convinced to do the two light setup, the mold is obviously more complex and when dealing with things like this usually the large cost of investment is in the mold itself.
O.k. on with the review itself. Which will be updated further when I actually get these lenses installed. Also I'm not getting anything from Ikon Motorsports for writing this, so it's my honest review.
For reference I paid $69.99 for these shipped at the time of purchase, which was about a week before this was written. There are a couple minor flaws, but I think it's quite acceptable for what you pay. I've seen the clear OEM ones go for twice this sometimes.
O.k. so in the picture below, the lens itself does look quite nice, the things I would point out on this one is a bit of adhesive squeezeout on the top, a touch at the bottom, and the way the lens protrudes past the housing at the back. It's something you could run with easily, but possibly could use a touch of cleanup. It may be something that they work out the quirks of, if they're so obligated. I've dealt with companies before in the scooter industry where a few years in they'll get something right after feedback from the buyers. Just depends on what shop these guys are dealing with. They could be producing them in house, no idea.
So that said you could do a bit of sanding on things, mask and respray the housing and it would look much better.

The back design is pretty clever. They come with these slip on clips that go in the holes that would normally house the screws on the 88-89 model. So you slide them off here pop them in those spots then these slip on the same way the 90-91 does. So that's how they get away with making these cover all four years of the 4th gen. I personally like the way they look without the screws through the lens, so good on them for coming up with this.

Here you can see a bit of the lens overlap that I was mentioning. Not a major deal but could use a little work.

A little more detail on the area of adhesive squeezeout at the top.

So all in all I think these are pretty decent. Like I said before I'll update this when I get them on the car to see how the actual fit is.
I also spoke with Ikon Motorsports, and they said they do group buys. Not saying there's one going on right now, but if there's enough interest it could potentially be something to get some of these out there for an even better price. They currently show them on sale on their ebay auctions, not sure if that price is gonna go up after their current run is out.
And for everyones reference who just want to pick them up here are the auction links, again I didn't get paid in any form for any referral to them just putting this out there for those of us in need of some lenses who aren't having any luck finding clean OEM.
Amber: http://www.ebay.com/itm/281855911076 sitting at $69.99 still
Clear: http://www.ebay.com/itm/391319461020 sitting at $64.99
Smoke: http://www.ebay.com/itm/391319462127 sitting at $49.99
Seen them only on your pictures, but this is how I feel about them;
- I'm not a big fan of reproduction parts
- I feel the quality is not what you should expect for the amount of money
- Not a fan of full-amber corners, I just don't understand them
- Both clear and full amber look way to vibrant on an old vehicle.
- Some of the pics in the advertisement seem to be older than the product? Those wagons were there long before these repro's appeared, or are some of these sets sold before?
Personal preference and all the bitterness aside; I feel it's great companys start reproducing Shuttle/Wagon parts, for those that struggle to find parts for our cars this is a great and easy opportunity to keep their Wagon running.
I hope they fix the quality issues and colors and make another batch of these, I might NEED a set of these one day.
Until that day, nothing beats 25 year old OEM stuff.
Regarding the two color, that could definitely be a possibility for the future, but like I said I think getting the two bulb setup would require a new mold. I have no idea who they're working with on that but I know in dealing with custom tooling myself it's a good chunk of change. Also the two color one has a reflector in there as well and that always adds more $$$ to the setup, so I see these as more of a stop gap, and hopefully yes they can work on improving them.
Not sure what you mean by the ad pics, are you talking about the ebay auctions? Not sure how the pics would look older than the product?
So lets see them installed! it should take you all of 2 minutes!
I think the reflector and extra-bulb space will add to the price for sure, because they will need to make a new mold for that. I understand these are more needed in the hot states of the USA than in my rainy part of Europe, even over here an uncracked set of them is rare to find.
The pics that are posted on the auction sites, they are pics from a few years old I think (at least seen them numerous times before, before these corners popped up)
Probably nothing new; but you know you can take out the little plastic brackets from a 90-91 fender and put them in a 88-89 fender and just slide 90-91 corners in right? Just like they did with these repro's
Yeah but that would involve getting those little brackets. This way you're not having to source a somewhat hard to find little bit. That is good info though, I didn't know that. Though I should as I have some 88 and some 90 fenders sitting here =D
Yeah, exactly so, that's why I've reached out to them and am giving them my honest opinion. Since I received one that was damaged out of the factory, not during shipping, I wanted to see how they treated me with regard to getting a replacement. I did that before I told them I was part of the wagon community. Not that I'm anyone significant here, but I like to get a feel for how they treat you before doing any name dropping.
So that said, on with a couple other pictures.
So this one here. I don't know if this is because they're adding too much red to the tint when they're doing these lenses or if it's because I'm down here in Texas and we're prone to these lights fading a good deal.
Comparison to a fender blinker as well.
Very orange
This is the faulty lens, so keep that in mind, but you can see the fit and finish is not 100% on this. I'd almost be tempted to see if they can supply them disassembled so I could get the alignment just right myself.
When I get the replacement I'll do another update on it.
They were receptive to my criticism. I explained to them my familiarity in dealing with repro parts from a prior job I had. They can be at the whim of the most cost effective manufacturer most often, as in the case here. They said they would take the issues I pointed out back to the manufacturer to have addressed. From my dealings with vintage scooters, I've found you can actually get the manufacturer to address their work, though it depends on the market. How much market there is for 4th gen wagon parts, I don't know.
I'll post here so you guys can form your own judgements. Me personally I think they're worth it. They'll take a little work to clean up the spots that are lacking in quality, and yes they're single color, single bulb. That may not suit some people. Me since I went with the clear lenses, but my initial intent was to get orange corners, this was something I was happy to see on the market. I remember one of my first noob postings on here was getting the orange corner lenses when someone pointed out that I was a dummy and that the sedan corners wouldn't fit and to not trust the ebay "Fits Wagon" listing.
Anyway, enough of my rambling, you guys can decide for yourselves, I'm just putting the info out there for you to see. These are the photos I sent back to Ikon with my comments on what was wrong with them.
And a comparison shot to an OEM lens.