who in the pac north west can re-barrel rt wheels? or someone who sells the barrels?

Tryin to get my rt wheels done local or do them myself. Any help?


  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    Wow i got smacked up on that one it was even my post omg.... i swear i looked and even ranthrough the faq thread but hey I dont mind gettng punked. Thanks Hayds might need to be punked down to a "band wagoner"
  • Find a metal lathe and get a buzz box. Knock it out like these crazy Russians
  • turbo_tegturbo_teg Council Member
    Got a neighbor with a lathe..... found some old 15x8 5 lug steelies in my buddies scrap pile and of course all of a sudden they arent scrap and he wants money for them but cant give me a price till he sees what they are worth..... i shouldnt have even said shit and just taken them.
  • Some "Buddy" that is. I'm always giving shit away to friends. If only I had a metal lathe I'd sort it out. Doesn't seem like too difficult of a job, just a matter of tools access.
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