**pics** My new 91 RT - (MPG TURBO 3-stage Vtec soon) soon to go under the knife.

A quick intro:
I'm new to wagons and stoked to be on the forum. I looked for one for approximately 6 months and randomly had 2 fall in my lap. I bought both since I could not decide on one of them. After 3 weeks I still could not decide. I posted them both for sale and sold my red one. Old rusty is now my new project. So far I have stripped and cleaned it, replaced all 4 blown speakers with Memphis 6.5's. I added an old JVC deck to it and have plans to swap out the stock steering wheel with an aftermarket one. I also picked up air suspension! I also bought some 15x8 +25 wheels for it but I want to sell them and cut/weld my rt steel wheels to 14x8's. If anyone knows someone in Utah LMK!!! I am thinking I'll just go to the machine shop that I use for my motors and see what they can do. Other plans for my build are to swap my MPG Build into the wagon. It's a 3-stage vtec lean burn motor that I put into an integra. I drove the integra (pics below) all summer across the country for work and it ran amazing! Can't wait to swap it in and pull the 250k origional motor out. I am also thinking of a way to re-enforce the teansmission. I'm open to pulling it apart and having all the parts Heat treated and tefflon coated. Also re-enforcing the casing with some brackets and aluminum welding. I have a lot of plans for this little wagon. I'll start a build thread soon as well.
Here are some pics:
Both RT's

The #MPGSOHC D16 integra. Had AC and PS

Lean burning up a storm @ 80 MPH

Cleaning of the nasty 91 beast


Re-assembly and clean clean clean

Putting the Memphis audios in

Put back together and Ready for a fishing trip.
I'm new to wagons and stoked to be on the forum. I looked for one for approximately 6 months and randomly had 2 fall in my lap. I bought both since I could not decide on one of them. After 3 weeks I still could not decide. I posted them both for sale and sold my red one. Old rusty is now my new project. So far I have stripped and cleaned it, replaced all 4 blown speakers with Memphis 6.5's. I added an old JVC deck to it and have plans to swap out the stock steering wheel with an aftermarket one. I also picked up air suspension! I also bought some 15x8 +25 wheels for it but I want to sell them and cut/weld my rt steel wheels to 14x8's. If anyone knows someone in Utah LMK!!! I am thinking I'll just go to the machine shop that I use for my motors and see what they can do. Other plans for my build are to swap my MPG Build into the wagon. It's a 3-stage vtec lean burn motor that I put into an integra. I drove the integra (pics below) all summer across the country for work and it ran amazing! Can't wait to swap it in and pull the 250k origional motor out. I am also thinking of a way to re-enforce the teansmission. I'm open to pulling it apart and having all the parts Heat treated and tefflon coated. Also re-enforcing the casing with some brackets and aluminum welding. I have a lot of plans for this little wagon. I'll start a build thread soon as well.
Here are some pics:
Both RT's

The #MPGSOHC D16 integra. Had AC and PS

Lean burning up a storm @ 80 MPH

Cleaning of the nasty 91 beast


Re-assembly and clean clean clean

Putting the Memphis audios in
Put back together and Ready for a fishing trip.

Sooooo, my wheel has been shaking like crazy when I brake while driving above 40 mph. It's been super obnoxious and I have a road trip coming up in a few weeks so I decided to knock out a full brake job and replace one of my tie rod ends. So I take off my wheels and my passenger side rotor has TOTALLY stripped screws on the rotors. Great! I tried and tried to get them off and then I said screw it and took the cutting wheel to it.
Finally got it off and got the fronts done. I want to replace the rear drums completely. They are super rusted.
Pumped about the improved braking.
While the car was in the air I took the time to drain the Trans. I replaced it with Honda MTF AND 20% Lucas. I noticed an immediate reduction in sound and the "notchy-ness" of the Trans. I plan to flush that in 5k and replace the Lucas with greatline product. Have you seen the YouTube video on that stuff? It's crazy. Convinced me. Also replaced the plugs and seafoamed it and the car had noticably improved throttle response and power. Stiked on this 250k motor right now haha. Going to check the mileage. I was getting 29 before. We'll see how it goes.
Here is the seafom video haha!! I pranked my wife and told her I had blown my motor. April Fools! Jk
(I'll post it when it uploads)
Lastly, I am staring my widened RT wheels project. I'm super excited. I bought some 15x8 jeep wheels. I'll be cutting the centers out and replacing them with my RT centers. Thanks SO MUCH to (chadcouch) for the write up on this. can't wait. Here are a few pics from his thread. I'll post a link shortly as well -
Finished product.
Here are the jeep wheels I picked up. 5 for $100 already sand blasted!! I'm going to take the wheels to a fab shop to be cut with a lath.
Can't wait. Updates coming soon. Here is the wagon on the civic stockies. Until the RT's are done.
Side note.
Picked up an SRdet swap for the Datsun:
That's all for now. 😃
I will for sure. It's on the sideline for now but I have big plans for it!
P.S. By chance are you posting any build pics on Instagram??? My Instagram is RT4WD_Wagon.