Car runs WAY out of timing? Like 1.5" CW of the needle...

I finally found someone to reassemble the engine from the boxes and bags of parts the guy who took it apart left me with. He's never worked on a Honda before, but has a lot of experience on many other engines. He took his time and did a pretty thorough job, and the car seems to run decent. He set the mechanical timing but only set the advance by ear. I bought a timing light and followed the manual and the thing is- the timing marks are so far off that I can't adjust the distributor enough to get them even close. They are a solid 1"-1.5" away from the needle in the clockwise direction.

What. The. Hell? How does my car even run?! What could be wrong here?


  • marklmarkl New Wagonist
    Check the cam timing.
    IT could be off.
    Are you sure you are using the right timing marks?
    Is the right crank pulley on the car?

  • 1988rt1988rt Senior Wagonist
    what cam gear is on it, what cam is in it? and is it possible the cam has run it self flat? Is the distributor leaking oil inside? some stuff to think about
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