Rear Differential Damper
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know how crucial part #9 is in the diagram below? It's some sort of harmonic/vibrational damper for the rear diff. I know that when the rubber goes bad on them, most people just take the part off and never bother to replace it. Anyone ever noticed a difference in vibration or noise when running a good one vs. none at all?
I just ordered a new one to be safe, but I'm kinda curious because I've talked to people that simply don't use one (there isn't one on the rt4wd that I bought either) and they don't really seem to have any issues. I figure it's mostly a noise reducer, and not really important to the operation of the diff, unlike #'s 10, 8, and 5.
I just ordered a new one to be safe, but I'm kinda curious because I've talked to people that simply don't use one (there isn't one on the rt4wd that I bought either) and they don't really seem to have any issues. I figure it's mostly a noise reducer, and not really important to the operation of the diff, unlike #'s 10, 8, and 5.