
looking to do my firstswap: a b16a1 manual into a 89 fwd wagon. there is an engine/tranny combo for sale about 400 miles away from me for 900. The ad clams low miles but no real verification possible (as far as I know). Its out of the donor car so i cant hear it run. Is there any thing i can do to get an idea of the condition of the motor. seller offers no warranty. no ecu or alternator included in the sale


  • if you could take the valve cover off to check for a lot of sludge, that would help determine how often the oil was changed. checking the plugs wouldnt hurt either.
  • Turn the crank over with a wrench if possible, if you can take the oil pan off and check for any wiggle room in the rod bearings. Check valves, etc.
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    If it's bolted to the transmission, you can compression test it.
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