need some help, advice, or pointers for name of rubber piece and where I can get them

like the title states, I'm looking for these, don't know what they're called, or if I can get them from another vehicle for that matter, please help
these are on my EDM/JDM cargo cover plastics and I'm missing 4 of them...I would like those four, for all the EDM and Oceania members that can help I would appreciate it a lot!!!!





  • I dont know what they are called but you can get them at any dealership, and or advance auto parts
  • moebiiusmoebiius Wagonist
    You mean "dealership" as in Honda dealerships? I'll check first thing in the morning...I have a buddy that works there. As for the "Advance Auto" route...I wasn't aware that the sell these rubber pieces...either way, there are no Advanced Auto stores around here, oreilly's or autozone only. Thanks for trying but I would like exact rubber pieces to match the others that I have.

  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    Called ,"Pull through grommets".Try at OSH or smaller hardware stores.Goto the hardware area with all those little drawers.There's usually a drawer with different size "bumpers".Otherwise goto Pick n Pull & look through diffferent cars & SUv's for these bumpers.

    try ,"rubber button bumpers" in Ebay search.
  • moebiiusmoebiius Wagonist
    Thank you for the insight on the hardware stores...I already knew that eventually I would have to go look for them at the car salvage yards. Thanks captain obvious! J/k. But seriously, I would like to have them match, I'll check the hardware stores, thank you for that

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