90 ls swap Intake Manifold Bypass Lines that connect to Stock Intake

Hello Guys,

I have a question that i cannot seem to find an answer to, If i could Have some assistance in this i would very much appreciate it.

I got a 88 civic wagon with a OBD0 90 ls swap and i want to get a Cold air intake but there are these 2 lines coming from the intake manifold
I'm not going to lie and say i know what there called but i would like to know if anybody could help with that too.

Any who i want to get an intake but as it always is money is tight and im not about to buy an expensive intake just fit these two lines if it turns out there necessary and i cannot bypass them I'm going to custom make holes in the intake i already have and do it my way.

My questions Are..

Is there anyway i can bypass those two lines ?
What are those two lines Called ?

I took this photo off the internet so ignore the red circle, I Have marked it in a Lavender Purple.

Any Info will help i plan on doing it my way tomorrow

Thanks Guys

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