d16z6 swap with jrsc issue!!!!!
Band Wagon
ok, i have recently installed a z6 with a jr charger into my 90 rt 4wd wagon and im not building any boost at all....i converted my hatch too obd1 and ran a gsr with no issues at all, so i took all the wiring including jumper harness from hatch put it onto z6 and into my wagon. before this the z6 and jrsc was installed in a 93 del sol and ran fine and built 8lbs of boost all day long. so not that its in my wagon running fine and pulling like a bandit, its just not building boost....i think it may b vaccuum lines or in around that area cause eveything else is the same as the sol was..ive been looking for installs but i cant find anyone with the same setup as me...please help with any ideas.
I run a JRSC on my d16a6 as do a few others on here with different d16xx combinations. Are you running a boost gauge? If so are you getting solid vacuum readings? Check to make sure all your vacuum nipples on the SC are connected or are plugged off if not in use. I believe there are two on the top and two down by the bypass valve. Check that black bypass valve has vacuum running to it, I think mine is running off one of the ports right next to it. Then check all your vacuum lines. The bypass valve could be broken too, or stuck open.
This is how my bypass valve is connected.
Did you look at the link to my post?
Lets try to dumb it down; The bottle line is it sounds like your bypass valve is staying open not allowing boost to build. The two different locations of your nipples probaly provide two different types of vacuum. If the ports are before the air gets compressed it will just be vacuum, if they are after the compressor they will have boost and vacuum. Your bypass valve should just need a vacuum source from the manifold, maybe it needs both boost and vacuum.
I found the instructions for the 16z6 SC, look through it. https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B6fP58Ir8r9PZmM4OTljMjMtMDkxZi00NzMwLThhZTItMmIyNTgzMjVhMzM0/edit?pli=1&hl=en
"Reinstall all vacuum hoses removed
(removal #7) to the throttle body assembly.
Connect a new 10“ vacuum hose from the
Purge Cut Solenoid Valve, mounted to the
firewall, to the vacant vacuum fitting
(capped off) on the firewall side of the su-
perchargers by-pass valve. This fitting is
between the supercharger and the intake
Bypass diaphragm is connected like so , with the other port in the adapter housing capped off
i added this tee. The 1/4" black line is reference for the water/methanol injection controller, the white 1/8" one is the vac/ boost gauge. The big one to the right goes to brake booster.
this one feeds the firewall mounted MAP sensor visible at top left
And this to the fuel pressure regulator
I'm using the remote MAP because I need to read manifold pressure (boost) after the blower. I'm not using any of Jackson's workaround engine management- no pressure switch/ relay, no controller, no rising rate FMU. I don't recall offhand what the original instructions said about MAP.
Are you sure that the compressor is actually spinning?
purge valve? In the scrap bin. I'm not using any emission controls.
We need pictures ASAP.
If your gauge was previously plumbed before the blower, that would explain manifold pressure flattening out at zero.
last thing i tryed after switching the hoses and went for a rip the car would stumble on its face until 3500-4000rpm and then rip like a bandit, ??? dunno, either way its coming out..