My new RT!
What's up HCW, glad to be a new member here, love to see what you creative fellas can do with a wagon. It's amazing. Here's my own little contribution to the forum, my little EE4. She's a shell for now, but with a transmission I'm hopefully getting from way up in Calgary in Alberta, Canada, and a motor from a good friend of mine, she'll be a smooth running RT-4WD again, restored to her former glory. I'm prepared for the worst with this project because it seems to me that the previous owner was already in the process of doing an MPFI swap and a wire tuck at the same time, and the wiring is a nightmare of a rat's nest right now. I don't even mind though, and I'm ready to dedicate some serious hours on her. I'm in love.
Does she have a matching set of any of those wheels?
She actually doesn't. I'd love it if she did, I believe they are some sort of CRX wheel and an HF wheel on the right side, both pretty great looking wheels in my opinion. I've been on the lookout for a set of wheels, doing a lot of research on OEM Honda wheels. I certainly can't afford real wheels like Volks or Sprint Harts so I've been really keen on finding some sort of Honda wheel rarity to really set her off. Any leads on that?
Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it. This is my first civic wagon, so I'm very new to the scene. I work for a used car dealership that my pops owns so I've dealt with and driven plenty of Hondas, but my RT is now my absolute favorite, even though she doesn't even run yet I'll be taking more pictures tomorrow if I remember, I'm keeping her on our dealership lot so it'll be easy to get her in the shop when the time comes to bring her to life. I'll definitely get a picture of the mess of wires under the hood in case anyone can help me out with that.
One for the ever amazing Fleetwood Mac.
And another for my interest in the whole Dia de Los Muertos culture. Sugar skulls are just badass.
Big thank you to the best Honda mechanic that I know, our very own Matthew. He's going to be getting this wagon right as rain for me.
Motor in the process of being pulled, warped head, blown gasket, going to replace the head hopefully with a nice y8 head if we have one.
Matthew showed me this trade secret to get your trim to look this good with just a shop rag and some goopy goo.
While Matt is turning wrenches, I'm down here with the paint pen on the mudflap trying to see if I like the look of the white letters. Verdict. I do. Definitely doing this with my red RT's flaps.