My 1988 wagoneer! [new pics]

I picked up a stock 1988 wagon today and started going to work, here are a few pictures so far 

Cleaned up nicely

Shaved the plate mounts and painted the bumpers with bumper coating.




5. Ending result
I also bought a Volvo lip then sanded, painted, cleared, wet sanded and polished with spray paint.


Cleaned up nicely

Shaved the plate mounts and painted the bumpers with bumper coating.




5. Ending result

heres some pictures!
teg seats
Wagon seat rail.
I took a picture of the wrong side haha sorry! think backwards haha
started welding
Wagon rail getting tacked on.
Ending result
Yeah man, I'm really excited about the wagon! I can't wait to swap it and get everything else done. I just ordered skunk2 pro s suspension, side markers, hid kit ext. and I plan on getting it repainted within a couple weeks
also! I can put the z6 in my garage. so everythings good
I decided to do black housing headlights on an EF becouse I have never seen it before. So my Buddy brian came over and we do it in like an Hour.
Before (Note that the hood is Popped, Never been Wrecked haha):
Headlights out:
Used a Heat gun to seperate Glass and housing:
Found this strange box in there, Didn't like it so we took it out, haha (Wee Part):
Much Better:
Masking off glass:
Masked Housing:
Both Painted:
Both Black housing headlights in Wagon:
Thanks man! do you have a build thread of your wagon?
all I have done for three days straight is work on my wagon! haha my girlfriends going to hate me
and also I'm curious how did U take apart the headlight? how did u melt the glue? heat-gun? do tell
Thanks a bunch man
I removed the metal clips that hold the glass to the plastic housing with a flat head. (be careful because the glass chips easily) 22 year old lights haha.
Then I took a heat gun and ran it back and worth over the seam. till it got pretty hot (it doesn't take much) then took a flat head screw driver and pried the glass from the housing very slowly (if the glass doesn't come off super easy the glue needs more heat)
What brand of paint did you spray your bumpers? It looks new!
You had me till the head light and corner lights..
Its off of a early to mid 90's volvo.
Thanks man! its a work in progress! I used stuff called bumper coating. you can get it at any parts store
YESSS!!!! haha I just get really bored.