So putting everything together, is taking me a while. Unfortunately I don't spend my nights in the garage.
Heres some updates on my build, more of a picture story of the finished products then a tech/build thread.
So while the interior was out I thought I put in a light nothing complicated roll cage inside.
Working on the suspension. Took the rear subframe off, sanded, primed, and painted it this metallic purple
And putting all together, looks colorful :shock: The DC lower strut bar fit perfectly behind the subframe. I know theres no use of it, but I took it off Pull A Part for $2.50 plus I havent seen anybody put one on, so what the hell.
Damn man, you're really dialing this in! Think the moonrock grey turned out wicked on the boxier wagon body as well. Where did you pick up that cage or is it custom!?
Heres some updates on my build, more of a picture story of the finished products then a tech/build thread.
So while the interior was out I thought I put in a light nothing complicated roll cage inside.
Working on the suspension. Took the rear subframe off, sanded, primed, and painted it this metallic purple
And putting all together, looks colorful :shock: The DC lower strut bar fit perfectly behind the subframe. I know theres no use of it, but I took it off Pull A Part for $2.50 plus I havent seen anybody put one on, so what the hell.
Next is working on the exhaust
Should have powdercoated the subframe instead of painted though.
?! What, I never Kiss before I go to sleep...
nice work mang...
But the Cage is Sweet!
These are BLOX LCA's for a DA integra, but they mostly all the same.
great paint color.
very cool cage, its very low profile and not trying to be all insane overkill