Windshield wiper arm stripped out

Has anyone come up with a way to remedy this problem, since Honda no longer manufactures the OEM replacement? The stem and nut are fine but the ridges inside the base of the arm are worn down, so the arm doesn't move with the motor. We put shrink tubing on the stem but I'm sure it's only a temporary fix.
I figure junkyard parts are ultimately going to have the same problem, at least eventually. I really would prefer not to use anything that will permanently fuse the arm to the stem.
Does anyone out there have a fix for this?
Thanks in advance!
Ebay to the rescue!
There are a bunch of OEM arms for sale for 4th gens, both pass and driver, or either one individually.
Junk yard/used ebay parts might have the same issue, but it's pretty rare. I've had 7 4th gens and never had one strip.
As far as a solution to a stripped arm, not sure I can think of a solution as the pattern is rather unique and would be hard to replicate with any tooling. Epoxy would be a solution, or perhaps a red loctite, but both of those might not hold up to the twisting motion that takes place. If you don't want to use a used OEM part then fusing would be the only other option.
Thank you for your suggestions.
The problem with buying online is it's hard to tell in photos just how worn they are.
My son found an arm that was less worn and will hold over until I find a fresher one.
Good thing is that any generation 4 model Civic will work.
Thanks again!