DRMORTY - Mad Max Wagon and how to use a wagon as an SUV

Mad Max in Action

Yeah, this is "Dick & Jane" she was named by my friends a few years back. My friends used to tease me that it was the car you are meant to drive when you hit rock bottom(like in the movie, "Fun With Dick and Jane".. LOL, I never hit rock bottom! I just like odd cars.. and, looks aren't everything! She sure can be Fun & very useful!
1991 Honda Civic Wagon Dx Automatic
Multi-Point swapped from a Civic Si
Cold air intake
Strut Bar
A/C blows Cold.. LOL
Sony Radio...
Wheels Vary from time to time
Tinted windows..
Lets be serious.. She is a Driver! I don't need to Mod her all out.. She Rolls, She's Fun and I love her..
I will be adding a few things here and there for FUN! cause that what she is all about.
Pics from Way back, before I blew her up in the earlier days.. She was still ugly, but I loved her.

Then I blew her up! and there she sat for 2 years.. Because I have way to many projects
I had a little time..
And a few spare parts motors...
The last few months I have Dying to get her back on the road..
The first d15 no good..
The second not good enough..
The third was the winner... I did pick up #3 as a freebie motor (well kinda, it came free with a bunch of AWD parts I bought)
Here she is in her un-glorious state.. My 91 Dx

I thought is might be easier to just take the motor out.. And, leave the tranny in..

Motor #1
as I spun her, she clicked.. Not Good 

Motor #2
The oil leaks didn't scare me.. The burnt valves and low compression did..

Motor #3 :roll: I hate to use it.. I was saving it for another car.. But desperate times.. d15b7 bottom (rebuilt) & d16A6 head (used, but nice)

I went and got a bunch of stuff for the motor.. I figure, I might as well make most of it New, while I'm there..
This pic is just for Bam.. Of all my parts motors, this is the best coolant tube.. and I refinished it to make it pretty

#3 is the winner... I really didn't want to use it on this car.... But, I will find more stand by motor..
I have been outta town a lot lately.. So, I am amazed that I finally pulled it off..
It had a Paint RED valve cover.. I wasn't feeling it..

I free handed a new paint job... then it fell and I caught the wet paint.. S.O.B... Oh well look at the car.. valve cover isn't hurting the looks..

I re-assembled and renewed a d15 and installed it.. and I am back up and running.. with a few bugs to work out..

My friend Craig lending a big hand..

She runs again!!!
Just have to work out a few bugs...
I am also working on my RT and other projects.. Soon! Oh yes soon!

I was reading through an old thread I made on another site, before I she was named "Dick & Jane"... From way back when.. and I remember I was gonna give it a name when some mods were done. It's time to change the Name to what it was originally meant to be..
Ladies & Gentlemen I would like to introduce you to "MAD-MAX"
And NOW in her new glory

And she even made an appearance at IA Spring 2013

Yeah, this is "Dick & Jane" she was named by my friends a few years back. My friends used to tease me that it was the car you are meant to drive when you hit rock bottom(like in the movie, "Fun With Dick and Jane".. LOL, I never hit rock bottom! I just like odd cars.. and, looks aren't everything! She sure can be Fun & very useful!
1991 Honda Civic Wagon Dx Automatic
Multi-Point swapped from a Civic Si
Cold air intake
Strut Bar
A/C blows Cold.. LOL
Sony Radio...
Wheels Vary from time to time
Tinted windows..
Lets be serious.. She is a Driver! I don't need to Mod her all out.. She Rolls, She's Fun and I love her..
I will be adding a few things here and there for FUN! cause that what she is all about.
Pics from Way back, before I blew her up in the earlier days.. She was still ugly, but I loved her.

Then I blew her up! and there she sat for 2 years.. Because I have way to many projects
I had a little time..
And a few spare parts motors...
The last few months I have Dying to get her back on the road..
The first d15 no good..
The second not good enough..
The third was the winner... I did pick up #3 as a freebie motor (well kinda, it came free with a bunch of AWD parts I bought)
Here she is in her un-glorious state.. My 91 Dx

I thought is might be easier to just take the motor out.. And, leave the tranny in..

Motor #1

Motor #2

Motor #3 :roll: I hate to use it.. I was saving it for another car.. But desperate times.. d15b7 bottom (rebuilt) & d16A6 head (used, but nice)

I went and got a bunch of stuff for the motor.. I figure, I might as well make most of it New, while I'm there..
This pic is just for Bam.. Of all my parts motors, this is the best coolant tube.. and I refinished it to make it pretty

#3 is the winner... I really didn't want to use it on this car.... But, I will find more stand by motor..
I have been outta town a lot lately.. So, I am amazed that I finally pulled it off..
It had a Paint RED valve cover.. I wasn't feeling it..

I free handed a new paint job... then it fell and I caught the wet paint.. S.O.B... Oh well look at the car.. valve cover isn't hurting the looks..

I re-assembled and renewed a d15 and installed it.. and I am back up and running.. with a few bugs to work out..

My friend Craig lending a big hand..

She runs again!!!
Just have to work out a few bugs...
I am also working on my RT and other projects.. Soon! Oh yes soon!

I was reading through an old thread I made on another site, before I she was named "Dick & Jane"... From way back when.. and I remember I was gonna give it a name when some mods were done. It's time to change the Name to what it was originally meant to be..
Ladies & Gentlemen I would like to introduce you to "MAD-MAX"
And NOW in her new glory

And she even made an appearance at IA Spring 2013

Keep up the good work!
As for the bugs to work out:
-Oil light is coming and going
-might have a leaky heater core
-keeps throwing code for idle air control valve, but I have tried 3 and it is running perfect.
-would like to install the lift so I can up my tires a little.
Other than that, she runnig really good. W/ice cold air and hot heat.
I have a blue dx & a white si.
Still got them..
What ya think?
I LOVE IT..... this is the exact look i wanted :!: :!:
wish my corner lens on SCRAPPY looked like that .. ( but it did try ..)
Few weeks back I Finally Got to playing with these.
Cleaned then and through some paint on them.. No Pics
I started with the Rear
Passenger Side measured 26.5"
Drivers Side Starting measure 26" (low tire)
Drivers Side went smooth..
Passengers side had me cussing.. LCA Inner and outer bolts snapped off.. Needless to say.. I was Not Happy.. Lucky I have spares & a little patience..
Drivers MEASURED right round 30" (low tire)
Passengers MEASURED right 30 & 1/2"
I painted the tops GREEN, so they'd show in pics. Top Hat is recessed. New Bolts are stainless with locking washers.
Right Now without a Maiden voyage.. I am sitting at about 4 Inches of Lift.. Which I suspect will settle down to 3" - 3.5" Inches of lift.
Rode just like it was stock.. I will try to get the fronts on today/tomorrow..
(on a side note, I may have him start cutting another set at 2.5 inches in aluminum)
Pic shot by Pebbles & Bam driving chase car (Thanks!)
Here is my hatch, sporting some of my wagons goodies.. That may change.. might not.. This wagon is getting it's own flare..
Also, the hatch looks great with the RT rims. I really like the blue body/ white rims look. You're lucky to have Bam-Bam as a friend, just reading his exploits makes me get off my ass and get work done.
I was leading in my wagon.. I should post some of the Go Pro shots.. it was on the hatch windshield.