(EE/EY/EF) (98 Cents)Seat fold down knobs

so i know we all hate the tabs we have and how they always break off and that honda wants way too much money for a lil piece of plastic :evil: soo... i since my tabs were both broken i decided to think of an alternative. so i thought why not use a cabinet knob, so i went to the home depot and found some knobs for 98 cents, they are black, and screwed right on. they also dont stick out as far and are just about flush with the seat, so they wont catch at all when you fold the seat down. so here is the product/part number:
Home Depot
Liberty Hardware - Hammercraft Collection
# 5710
I thought I would share this with everyone, hope this helps some of you out.
Home Depot
Liberty Hardware - Hammercraft Collection
# 5710
I thought I would share this with everyone, hope this helps some of you out.
I always forget that everyone else DOESN'T have 2 parts cars...
Again, well played!
Great tip, keith750!
1989 Honda Civic Wagon 4WD Auto
i found this on ebay. kinda pricey for an item i can just pick up at homedepot.
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayI ... otohosting
but don't take my word for it.
a home depot was just built here and opened 12/10/08 and found these knobs for said 98 cents. i like them much more too cause they dont protrude much from the plastic hole they go in.
I did like wagodizzle. Went to the salvage yard and pocketed two from a hatch. Free is always the right price
imma have to see what we have at lowes since i work there lol
Home Depot still sells them only for .98 cents
Thanks again
Picked them up from the junkyard.