probably gunna hate on me for this but its not anything new... doin what i do.



  • klumklum Senior Wagonist
  • What gopro are you shooting with?
  • klumklum Senior Wagonist
    hero 3 333333333333
  • Word, keep it up! I dig the videos. What mounting system are you using in the car? I have a hero 4 and need to figure something out for it.
  • klumklum Senior Wagonist
    im just using one of the mounts that came with it i stuck it to the underside of my 5 mirror rear view and use the shoot upside down mode i think its a decent angle. i just got a cpillar to mount for the rear so im guna give that a try after i finish my rear speaker/headliner job ( hopefully today )
    i think it will give good trailing video angles
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