Rear inside trunk panels restore??

Dows anyone know how to restore these? Or even paint them? Or a vinyl dye i can use.


  • Depends on condition and which part your talking about.
    You should use a paint suitable for plastics, I think there is a product in the states called "sem" I see alot of people using, rustoleum also make stuff suitable for plastics with a inbuilt primer which negates the need for plastic primers.
    If you just want to freshen it up give them a good clean with warm soapy water,dry and then use a furniture silicone based surface shine
  • quartersquarters Council Member
    if it fits in the dishwasher, in it goes.
  • Watch out for alkaline based dish washer tablets.
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    But... I am my own dish-washer!
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