D16Z6 Swap
I just picked up an 88 wagovan and I'm looking for any advice on the D16Z6 swap that I'm planning on. I've never done a swap but I'm mad hyped. I guess a couple of questions are what should I keep in mind with the AWD, trans, ECU, wiring harness, the whole shabang. Also I plan on building it to turbo.
just giving you some info not to sound like an A Hole but if your wagon is RT4WD its not called a Wagovan its just a wagon, wagovans were only FWD with leather seats and a rear bench seat. I followed that link i sent you back in 2015 when i swapped a Z6 in my first wagon, good luck with the swap, if you need help just let me know but the link has everything you need.
Oh bummer. This is my first honda so I'm still learnin the run around. Thanks for the link!
Can’t wait for updates, I recommend rebuilding your Viscous coupler and buying new carrier bearings also if you have the extra money rebuild/replace the u joints for the driveshaft