The feedback thread...

I'd like to know what is and is not working, or if you think something needs to be changed.
Please ensure your replies are detailed - provide screen shots where possible.
Please ensure your replies are detailed - provide screen shots where possible.
Also, make sure you use thread tools, not editing the first post title like in phpbb3.
Like that or something a little more in-depth? Also, change your editor type under settings at the very top next to your username. You may prefer a different version.
This is Jacques, previous user name Jaker. The change to the new software unfortunately coincided with my old Hotmail account being hacked and shut down by Hotmail. Could someone please go to my old username, change the email to this new email address (see profile), and send me a new login link with system generated password? I'd like to access my old private messages.
I guess it's another reason to upgrade, huh?
Is there so many threads that the colors aren't enough?
Certainly not offended. This thread is for ideas.
A long while back I proposed adding a WTB sub section. But it didn't get much support (in either direction).
If people really want it, we'll do it. We just don't have that many threads to begin with.
-when in the marketplace just below the page numbers at the top there is a "search forum" drop down menu
-Click this and select "advanced search"
-In the "Search by Prefix" selection box under "Marketplace prefixes" choose which one you want
-Click "search now"
I'm on another forum that also uses prefixes, the prefixes are also listed as a button at the top of the page that will one click sort. That's what made me think of it.
Ah, I see.
I like it. Unfortunately Haydz is the webmaster, so he'd have to sort that. He does check this thread. So I'm sure he'll chime in.
It's our way of blocking spam. You came on and posted a bunch real fast. It just needs approval until you get some posts under your belt.
Should all work now.
Gotta give us just a little bit of time. Keep in mind we're all in different time zones. Not to mention it just takes some time.
Since I've seen quite a few European guys around here.
Just trying to help though, no complaints allthough I bumped into the same thing as Bjorn did.
Our mods are pretty well spread out now... two in New Zealand, one in Oregon, one in Washington, and one in Germany.
We're not the highest volume forum on the block. Which has ups and downs. People just gotta give us a day, maybe two sometimes... it works out well. Just a minor inconvenience when you're new.
I dont always get on but those are generally the times I will try make time. I dont always get time to check every sub forum or anything (might only get 5mins to do a quick scan and somethings take longer than others to do) so just because it may seem like no one is doing anything with your post chances are its been seen just mods have run out of time to do anything about it right away.
Havent seen the German mod around yet so you can slap me.
I like the good vibe on this forum and when you get past those first ten postst everything is fine!