My Wagon started Jerking?!
New Wagonist
Well today I was driving my wagon on the freeway doing 70 in 5th gear, just cruising back home. Then all of sudden my car just started jerking? like if I was going to stall or if it was gong to die, but I have no idea? So when I got home I was going to run a diagnoses, Thinking maybe it might be a electronic problem with wiring. But When i found the computer (under the carpet on the passenger side) All i could see was a red light flashing? And it flashed 7 times then paused, then another 7 times and so on and so on. Some sort of code? Can anybody help me?! Thanks much appreciated
But like stampern said, if you can find a good TB for not too much money, that might be the easier route.
hahaha I knew someone was going to bring that up sooner or later! lmfao