Wagon died

Hope i'm ok posting in this area... So today my car was running perfectly fine like it always does. I stopped at a stop sign, took off and my car stalled, sputttered and died. I've got fuel, spark, timing belt is fine, car turns over fine, no ecu codes, everything... I was thinking it could be the ignition Control Module (ICM). Any other thoughts would be appreciated.


  • Distributor would be my guess. I have read when the bearing in the old dizzy starts to go bad, the shaft twists a little bit and will throw the timing off, so you will still have a spark, but it won't fire.
  • leWolfleWolf Senior Wagonist
    Wow, fuel pump is coming on? I would say pull the main relay and resolder it. also disconect a sensor and see if you pop a check engine code. I honestly would point a finger at the dizzy though.
  • If I had an extra distributor laying around I'd just throw it in and try that. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the distributor. My car has 245,000 original miles.
  • Yeah, I would get a new distributor then.
  • check the screw/bolt for the distributor rotor, it may come off once awhile if u just replaced the rotor.
  • Got it figured out. the shaft on the dizzy froze up quite a bit, also melted the rotor. Getting another dizzy tmr. Thanks all!!!!!!!!!
  • no updates? no resolution? did you fix the problem? at least change the title to (SOLVED) thanks
  • JDMWago666JDMWago666 Senior Wagonist
    ^^Looks like he got it figured out. Check the post above yours. Solved it over a month ago.
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