Tranny? clutch? linkage? help!

I have an '88 rhd RT4WD 6spd wago,thats confusing the hell out of me,this is my first wagon,it wont go in to first or second,will go into 3rd 4th and 5th, no reverse,i have to take off like at 6k in 3rd....clutch feels fine but you never know,i dont know if this is a common problem,but if anybody has any info. or suggestions i'd appreciate the help.


  • CharbCharb Administrator
    Only suggestion I have, is to-

    1) pop your hood, and inspect everything
    2) take out your center console, and inspect everything

    It's possible your linkage is malfunctioning. It's also possible your tranny is shot. But you need to get off the computer and actually look at the mechanisms.
  • wagomekwagomek Band Wagon
    lol it has no very familiar with ef's,but this wagos been a pain in the ass,ive gone through the trouble shooting process already,im not sure if my tranny cable flopping around has anything to do since the right hand drive conversion left me with very little option to fab a bracket for it...will post pics
  • CharbCharb Administrator
    I find it hard to believe that you can pull off a RHD conversion, but you can't figure out why your car won't go into gear.

    I personally had this happen to me. I even went and bought another tranny, thinking that was the problem. Then I took out the center console/ebrake cover, and it was clear as a day what my problem was.
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