Golden Spectro Motorcycle Crank case oil

A friend of mine, who is an overkill fanatic told me a story about the RealTime Acura team.
They blew up a transmission down in South Florida at a race, and they needed a tranny for one of their Type R's...being an independently operated yet Factory Sponsored team, they didn't have an extra tranny...
My buddy's buddy who was loosely acquainted with the RealTime team had a tranny that they could borrow to finish the race. Once the race was over, the driver was flipping out; he had never raced with a tranny that shifted that smoothly, and begged to find out why.
It turned out, the borrowed tranny was filled with Golden Spectro Motorcycle Crank case oil. After which, of course, became the gear oil of choice for all of the RealTime cars.
My question is:
Has anyone ever used this stuff?
I'm trying to determine the specific part # for the stuff. My friend says Harley uses it, but has it re-labeled for the Harley guys, and of course he doesnt remember the part #; yet he uses it in his s2000.
I've looked at the Golden Spectro website, and they have tonnes of different stuff.
The reason I ask, is because my buddy has a post on Honda-tech, about which gear oil to run. I personally run GM synchomesh with friction modifier part # 12377619, and he'll probably do the same, but according to GM they don't use that fluid in any of their newer cars, so it's becoming increasingly harder to find, as it has been dubbed "nectar of the God's" which is friggen hilarious; and god knows as long as there is pavement, there will be harley's driving like shit on them, so I may be switching over if I can't source anymore synchromesh, but I gotta figure out which part number from golden spectro first.
They blew up a transmission down in South Florida at a race, and they needed a tranny for one of their Type R's...being an independently operated yet Factory Sponsored team, they didn't have an extra tranny...
My buddy's buddy who was loosely acquainted with the RealTime team had a tranny that they could borrow to finish the race. Once the race was over, the driver was flipping out; he had never raced with a tranny that shifted that smoothly, and begged to find out why.
It turned out, the borrowed tranny was filled with Golden Spectro Motorcycle Crank case oil. After which, of course, became the gear oil of choice for all of the RealTime cars.
My question is:
Has anyone ever used this stuff?
I'm trying to determine the specific part # for the stuff. My friend says Harley uses it, but has it re-labeled for the Harley guys, and of course he doesnt remember the part #; yet he uses it in his s2000.
I've looked at the Golden Spectro website, and they have tonnes of different stuff.
The reason I ask, is because my buddy has a post on Honda-tech, about which gear oil to run. I personally run GM synchomesh with friction modifier part # 12377619, and he'll probably do the same, but according to GM they don't use that fluid in any of their newer cars, so it's becoming increasingly harder to find, as it has been dubbed "nectar of the God's" which is friggen hilarious; and god knows as long as there is pavement, there will be harley's driving like shit on them, so I may be switching over if I can't source anymore synchromesh, but I gotta figure out which part number from golden spectro first.
wait u dont spend that $40 on the Honda Manual Trans fluid ....
what brand motor oil do you put in the transmission..????
Sure it'll feel like you need lubed up, when it comes time to check out, but if the RealTime guys adopted it, then it's no BS.
The only trouble is, I cannot figure out which oil it is.
BUT I will do more searching, and make some more phone calls.
This is especially important because the GM synchromesh I've spec'd a million times, isn't used in production models anymore, therefore is becoming more and more rare.
And I will try to set up an interview with the old RT guys, and post what they have to say about this stuff.
reverse is still grinding if it even goes n @ all....
any luck finding the Golden Spectro Motorcycle Crank case oil info ....???
You really should give the GM synchromesh a try, it has stopped the grind in many hondas.