Fan not working on #1 setting?

Alright, recently my AC or Heater will not work when I put it on #1. It works fine on 2-4, just not on #1. What is causing this problem?


  • likely the resistor pack is dying.......
  • akiraboyakiraboy Founder
    I just took one apart for igotcrx, the guy I sold my second wagon to & it was the switch itself. If you goto the yard you can pocket one & fix it for free
  • ZeroWagonZeroWagon Band Wagon
    Seems like an epidemic! My 1-2 positions don't work. :cry:
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    ditto. so its the switch?
  • quartersquarters Council Member
    %100 the resistor.
    What is the resistor and where is it located?
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    The resistor is on the fan unit itself, behind the glovebox.
  • Well it sounds like the A/C is kicking in, just no air. I don't think it would be the switch.
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    same here
  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    :lol: It's NOT the switch it's the resistor like "quarters" said.Pull 1 out of a junkyard wgn(or any Civic 88-91/96).If the #1 resistor is out in the 1 you pulled at the yard use the #2 resistor in the #1 spot of your broken 1.It solders in.These resistors burn out in Toyota's too. :?
  • So about how much do they cost, and what do they look like?
  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    Pacifier wrote:
    The resistor is on the fan unit itself, behind the glovebox.

    It's the shape of a tombstone with a 4 wire connecter plugged into it.Attached by 2 screws.Black about 35mmX65mm.#1 resistor is the weakest so burns out first.I put the #2 resistor into the #1 spot.:oops: Works fine & it'll last longer.

    Pacifier wrote:
    Yeah, i'm unsure of any part numbers but i'm pretty sure you could just pull the resistor out and take it to your local electrical hobbyist store (RadioShack over there?).

    :? This part CAN NOT b gotten @ Radio Shack.

    akiraboy wrote:
    I just took one apart for igotcrx, the guy I sold my second wagon to & it was the switch itself. If you goto the yard you can pocket one & fix it for free
  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    All you need to do is figure out what resistance the resistor has and go get one the same from an electronics store, mate over here did that on his EF9.
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