===Anthony's Wagon===

Well I've been on here for about a month now, but have yet to make my introduction. I figured now is a good time since I've been talking with a few of you and contributing to the site. Anyways on with my story....
And I just realized its been 365 days since....
August 10th 2009: Bought my first 1991 Rio Red RTawd Honda Civic Wagon. I paid $1250 for it. I bought it from a father of 4 who needed something bigger! He was the second owner and the car ran amazingly well. I loved this car. Absolutely fell in love with her.

I miss her still to this day. Well here comes the sad part. I owned the car for 6 days when....
August 16th: I offered to drive myself and two of my other friends (Matt and Aaron) down to Hillsboro Oregon to attend Warped Tour (a concert where about 50 bands play all day and night and you just party and have a great time). We had this planned for over a year now. I drove the 200 or so miles down when we decided to stop at a grocery store to pick up some final supplies needed. I tossed my keys to my friend Matt and told him to drive the final 5 miles (worst mistake of my life). We drove approximately 3 more miles toward Washington Fair Grounds (the grounds where the concerts were held in Oregon). We were going through the intersection of "NE Orenco Station Pkwy and NE Cornell Ave" at approx 12 o'clock. I was riding in the back behind the passenger. He shouted out to my friend Aaron and myself "Holy shit guys look at that hot chick, holy shit" ...of course we were all 21 at the time and our eyes were GLUED to this beautiful business dressed young girl, beautiful long dark brown hair, glasses, high heels, tight blouse and a tight skirt. So incredibly gorgeous. I yelled out "WOOOO!!!!" ...next thing I know *BAAAAAAAAAAMBOOOOOM CRASSSSHHH* horrible pain in my chest head neck back instantly, and couldn't breathe. Couldn't fully comprehend what was going on for about 15 seconds. When all I could worry about was breathing. The seat-belt had locked and me slamming into it at approximately 40 MPH knocked the wind out of me.

I only owned her for 6 days. Super hard financial hardship (Matt never paid me back, only a hundred dollars and 7 quarts of AMS oil) this put me in with school.
I still miss her so much to this day.

and on to the present!
And nearly a year later on June 26th 2010 a blessing was sent my way: I was coming home from a coastal cruise I took my BB6 out with my brother and had a lead on a wagon that was posted up on my local craigslist. I had a lead on a wagon. The seller and I had plans a week prior to meet up the following day to take a look at his wagon. I had cash and was completely ready to buy it from him. Just by the pictures I was sold. It looked so amazing I remember thinking. I loved it because it was so close to my old Rio Red... His name is Bobby
a nice guy.

I don't blame Bobby but he decided to hang on to his wagon and "finish what he started" he said. I dont blame him, I'll never sell my wagon. Ever.
So after receiving this text from him I had my brother pull the BB6 over(he just introduced himself on here, his name is "gc8panda" I let him drive my cars I trust him, he's owned so many cars and is an extremely responsible driver!!). I had just downloaded an application for Craigslist on my Droid. Immediately after Bobby said he was hanging on to his car, and pulling over I found my car. I called the owner immediately. I asked him all the questions any Honda fanatic would. I was so excited, so so excited to have found another wagon less than 2 minutes after being shut down. There was a catch however. He said that another buyer had just called him 2 minutes before me. His ad was on craigslist for less than 3 hours when I called. John told me he had to be ethical and keep his word with the other buyer and let him have a bite at it first. I told him (not pleased at all but as polite as I could be) that I understood and would love to make the 3 hour drive to Seattle right now and pay him in cash right now. This still didn't budge him and he stuck with his word. John called me that night at about 9pm and said to call him at 6:30am sharp if I was still interested. I was so excited. I didn't go to bed til 2 am. Woke up at 6. Called John promptly at 6:30am. As he answered the phone I knew I woke him up, it was quite funny. I said I'd be driving up to see the car. I was so excited at this point. I woke my exhausted brother to tag along. We rolled up there and met up with John. What an awesome guy. He was so polite, he told me everything about the car, his wife (approximately 40-50 years old) said she was the original owner of the car. He was so awesome, my brother and I talked cars in his garage for a good hour without even mentioning the wagon. She has perfect interior besides two small things. It was a little old nurse that meticulously kept the interior clean! I test drove it. Fell in love. Gave him no less than his asking price of $1900. I was so so happy.

Yeah it even has the original window sticker. Haha....it ran for $12,000 back in 1988

My brother (left) and John (right) talking about Miatas, his Toyota, motorcycles and everything else
this guy was so intelligent and friendly.

it took a little 4x4ing to get her here...

Anyways guys and gals, I'm super passionate about the wagon and want to learn any and everything there is to learn. Thank you for reading and I know this is a lot to read but I know someone else out there will enjoy my story.
Oh yeah... Hi, I'm Anthony.
And I just realized its been 365 days since....
August 10th 2009: Bought my first 1991 Rio Red RTawd Honda Civic Wagon. I paid $1250 for it. I bought it from a father of 4 who needed something bigger! He was the second owner and the car ran amazingly well. I loved this car. Absolutely fell in love with her.

I miss her still to this day. Well here comes the sad part. I owned the car for 6 days when....
August 16th: I offered to drive myself and two of my other friends (Matt and Aaron) down to Hillsboro Oregon to attend Warped Tour (a concert where about 50 bands play all day and night and you just party and have a great time). We had this planned for over a year now. I drove the 200 or so miles down when we decided to stop at a grocery store to pick up some final supplies needed. I tossed my keys to my friend Matt and told him to drive the final 5 miles (worst mistake of my life). We drove approximately 3 more miles toward Washington Fair Grounds (the grounds where the concerts were held in Oregon). We were going through the intersection of "NE Orenco Station Pkwy and NE Cornell Ave" at approx 12 o'clock. I was riding in the back behind the passenger. He shouted out to my friend Aaron and myself "Holy shit guys look at that hot chick, holy shit" ...of course we were all 21 at the time and our eyes were GLUED to this beautiful business dressed young girl, beautiful long dark brown hair, glasses, high heels, tight blouse and a tight skirt. So incredibly gorgeous. I yelled out "WOOOO!!!!" ...next thing I know *BAAAAAAAAAAMBOOOOOM CRASSSSHHH* horrible pain in my chest head neck back instantly, and couldn't breathe. Couldn't fully comprehend what was going on for about 15 seconds. When all I could worry about was breathing. The seat-belt had locked and me slamming into it at approximately 40 MPH knocked the wind out of me.

I only owned her for 6 days. Super hard financial hardship (Matt never paid me back, only a hundred dollars and 7 quarts of AMS oil) this put me in with school.

and on to the present!

And nearly a year later on June 26th 2010 a blessing was sent my way: I was coming home from a coastal cruise I took my BB6 out with my brother and had a lead on a wagon that was posted up on my local craigslist. I had a lead on a wagon. The seller and I had plans a week prior to meet up the following day to take a look at his wagon. I had cash and was completely ready to buy it from him. Just by the pictures I was sold. It looked so amazing I remember thinking. I loved it because it was so close to my old Rio Red... His name is Bobby

I don't blame Bobby but he decided to hang on to his wagon and "finish what he started" he said. I dont blame him, I'll never sell my wagon. Ever.
So after receiving this text from him I had my brother pull the BB6 over(he just introduced himself on here, his name is "gc8panda" I let him drive my cars I trust him, he's owned so many cars and is an extremely responsible driver!!). I had just downloaded an application for Craigslist on my Droid. Immediately after Bobby said he was hanging on to his car, and pulling over I found my car. I called the owner immediately. I asked him all the questions any Honda fanatic would. I was so excited, so so excited to have found another wagon less than 2 minutes after being shut down. There was a catch however. He said that another buyer had just called him 2 minutes before me. His ad was on craigslist for less than 3 hours when I called. John told me he had to be ethical and keep his word with the other buyer and let him have a bite at it first. I told him (not pleased at all but as polite as I could be) that I understood and would love to make the 3 hour drive to Seattle right now and pay him in cash right now. This still didn't budge him and he stuck with his word. John called me that night at about 9pm and said to call him at 6:30am sharp if I was still interested. I was so excited. I didn't go to bed til 2 am. Woke up at 6. Called John promptly at 6:30am. As he answered the phone I knew I woke him up, it was quite funny. I said I'd be driving up to see the car. I was so excited at this point. I woke my exhausted brother to tag along. We rolled up there and met up with John. What an awesome guy. He was so polite, he told me everything about the car, his wife (approximately 40-50 years old) said she was the original owner of the car. He was so awesome, my brother and I talked cars in his garage for a good hour without even mentioning the wagon. She has perfect interior besides two small things. It was a little old nurse that meticulously kept the interior clean! I test drove it. Fell in love. Gave him no less than his asking price of $1900. I was so so happy.

Yeah it even has the original window sticker. Haha....it ran for $12,000 back in 1988

My brother (left) and John (right) talking about Miatas, his Toyota, motorcycles and everything else

it took a little 4x4ing to get her here...

Anyways guys and gals, I'm super passionate about the wagon and want to learn any and everything there is to learn. Thank you for reading and I know this is a lot to read but I know someone else out there will enjoy my story.
Oh yeah... Hi, I'm Anthony.

I love that color on wagons.
I cannot wait to see it lowered!