Largest Speaker that'll fit the front door(4gen)?

WHat's the largest speaker that'll fit the front door(4Gen) :?

Will a 6x9 fit :?:


  • HaydzHaydz Moderator
    I think 5.25" for 88-89 and 6.5" for 90-91??
  • dacollier1dacollier1 Band Wagon
    The guide at Best Buy said 6.5 for my 91, but no way where the 6.5" they sold me ever going to fit. swapped for 5.25 or 5.5 and it was about the biggest that were going to go in the factory mounting baskets. 6.5" might fit if you make your own mount or just screw them to the door without the plastic mounting basket, but there isn't much depth available before they hit the glass. Personally I was feeling like the 6.5" was a typo. Watch the magnet depth since there isn't much room when the window is down (I'd guess less than 2").
  • I was okay with 6.5 as long as I mounted them to the outside of the door. Once you put them in they would hit glass. I do however have some pretty thick magnets on my speakers so maybe a 6.5 with a shallow magnet would work okay. If you mount them to the outside of the door, the speaker will pull the speaker cover flat and prohibit it from fitting in the door any longer. This would then require screws to hold the covers in the door. This is why I had to fabricate my own speaker pods.
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    i wish it was 6.5 for 90-91!! i would have been up a size since the beginning

    but its like da collier and ragenasian said....a 6.5 with a shallow magnet. 5.25 are the one that will fit no doubt. its mostly a trial and error with those 6.5. i had some a while ago, without the bracket, and a lot of water got on the speaker and caused it blow. so i wouldnt suggest anything without the bracket unless you have some definate way of keep it dry, and of course not hitting the glass (i had a slight problem, but i just didnt tighten all the way, just enough so it wouldnt hit the glass)
  • My cheapo speakers from Walmart fit perfect, and they were 5.25", but my Phoenix Gold speakers wouldn't fit all the way in the basket, they are about 3/4" too long. Just had to cut out the plastic on the door grills, and screwed them in till the magnet was on the plastic back.

    I think it depends on the brand.
  • jhotajhota familEE
    i used to have 6.5's in my 90. you have to cut the back of the basket out.
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    i meant without cutting or fab to the stock components themselves. i always wanted to go back to 6.5", but i didnt want to cut up anything, i still wanted to keep the stock look.

    as for the not sure those will fit. because there's a hole in the metal for the speaker to fit in. unless you want to cut the door itself, 6x9 wont fit. but if you want to fit them that bad. go for it, any size can fit :P

    well actually, if you think about it, the 6x9 handles a lot more power than a normal 5.25", even a 6.5"....there's more bump too with that sub in the 6x9....that would cause some issues with the door, even the window, when you have it cranked up. you might cause something to get loose and then you're screwed.

    if you want more sound, your best bet would be to get a low-power amp and 6.5" in the front. find a 6.5" that will have enough power to your liking. the highest possible RMS you can find, then hook them up to an amp. the 6x9s wouldnt bump to its full potential anyway without an amp. unless you're going that direction, then just scratch everything i just said :oops:
  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    The 6x9's might be too deep.
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    that too

    what do you plan on doing?
  • SiWagonSiWagon Council Member
    I just want to install a 6x9 in the door behind the OEM grille w/o probs.
  • jhotajhota familEE
    nope, not going to happen.
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    i think even if you cut the door metal, like you mentioned, the magnet would be too deep. that would be awesome, but no go :?
  • kenwood makes a shallow 6.5 last i checked in crutchfield magazine. 6x9's would def. be sick as hell though!!
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    shallow would be nice, but you have the issue of water getting on the speaker, maybe ruining the speaker. unless you can find a perfect way to keep it dry....
  • jhotajhota familEE
    always buy poly cone/rubber surround speakers.
  • duckie8310duckie8310 Senior Wagonist
    when i had the 6.5" in the wagon, the water problem i had was with the wires. that's what that basket was for, to keep out moisture n such, but and to also cover up those wires. water on the wires caused the speaker to short, and eventually blow it. which really blew (excuse the pun) anyway to get around that?
  • I got some plastic and put that in the door before I set my speaker in there just for that reason.
  • Here you guys go. Nice easy way to keep moisture off of your speaker.


    Get you some glue (something that dries quick) and some plastic wrap from the kitchen. Glue and press. Don't strectch the plastic too much. The nice thing is I was able to push the wires right through the plastic withouth having to cut the plastic. Just an easy idea to keep the water off that speaker.
  • akiraboyakiraboy Founder

    actually, I tried one 6 1/2" speaker in my fron passenger door, I had to use a 1" spacer though. I think it can be done but with the use of a proper spacer ring.

    BTW, expect some nasty resonance from the door afterward :twisted: :roll:
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