My 90 Wago Gprime

Hey guys I have been a member for a few months just kinda trollin the forums lookin at wagos and junk. And also been actively looking for a wagon myself. I have looked everywhere in the north west and could never find one in time before it was sold untill last night, i found my wagon on craigslist here in Eugene Oregon. $950 was asking but I offered 800 and drove it home. I got it from this lady here in town that said it was a 4x4 but i cant find any way to tell that its a RT. there are no badges of any type to indicate that its a RT but whatever to me. I picked it up and drove it to a friends house where we promptly changed the oil (that was black as night) and Checked fluids and tires and other junk around the car, Cleaned her up a bit. then took her for a spin. every thing seemed fine and she was running pretty well, untill night fell and we had to turn the headlights on. with the lights on everytime i would take it out of gear the Stereo would turn off. so i figure its an alternator problem. and we ride home and pass out. the next morning (this morning) the Car is Flat dead. tried to turn over but i could tell it was just dead. so push started it on a hill and got it running again hahaha, Moving upto portland today and hoping it will make the drive no problems. Anyways heres some Shots of her. Let me know what ya think. Kinda strapped on Cash but waiting for this paycheck for everything to get tuned up.


  • pristine no?

    smiley running away laughing...
    dunno why...

    welll...i'm happy...
  • pristine? neg. never said wuz
  • Mandalore88Mandalore88 Senior Wagonist
    cool! welcome, and those stickers on the back are pretty funny.
  • i hate those stickers sooooo much, but they are old and like break when u peel so i havent had time to take them off yet. i just washed it. prolly should of taken pics after wash huh.
  • if you want to know if its a rt just look and see if there is a drive shaft from the trans to a rear end if not its 2wd
  • stickers...heatgun at a certain distance...and NOT any closer...
    just sayiiing...<disclaimer>

    some alcoholy to rub remaining blurb...

    have fun...
  • bam-bambam-bam Council Member
    It's not a 4wd, but a pretty nice DX.
    check the battery and alternator, It does sound like it's not charging.
  • Thanks, Ya seems to be the ALT. as for the Stickers i took a Hair dryer to them and they came off. as for the dent in the Hatch key panel. ill have to hit the Junk yard up and see if i can find one. Also thinking of Doing some kind of swap but im not sure what one. kinda new to the whole wagon thing but i love my wago to death haha. first thing is to fix all the problems with it before i start on moding it. but i wanna keep it my DD so nothing Super crazy........maybe
  • Most def not an RT, from the looks, but hey, its a wagon dude
  • Car is now for sale 1000.

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