//\\// Post Random Wagon Sightings \\//\\

It's pretty safe to say majority of us here get all geek-ed up about our Honda Civic Wagons!
To me, it's cool noticing them around the city (San Diego, we call America's Finest) and I've actually seen at least seven of them looking good. Usually when I spot one in and around town, I either do one of the following;
A. Follow it untill the driver ends up stopping so we can say what's up!
B. Ask the driver to pull over to the nearest parking spot?
C. Take a picture while it's moving or parked.
D. All of the above.
Let's see those pictures of "Random Wagon sightings" in your neighborhood...
Here's one I saw a while back at Kaylee's ( My eldest daughter ) open house, Bernardo Elementary.

This hurrr received a note under the windshield wiper asking if she wants to sell.
To me, it's cool noticing them around the city (San Diego, we call America's Finest) and I've actually seen at least seven of them looking good. Usually when I spot one in and around town, I either do one of the following;
A. Follow it untill the driver ends up stopping so we can say what's up!
B. Ask the driver to pull over to the nearest parking spot?
C. Take a picture while it's moving or parked.
D. All of the above.
Let's see those pictures of "Random Wagon sightings" in your neighborhood...
Here's one I saw a while back at Kaylee's ( My eldest daughter ) open house, Bernardo Elementary.

This hurrr received a note under the windshield wiper asking if she wants to sell.

I didnt see one in person but i was whatching modern marvels "recycle" and they were showing how they basically run a car through an over sized wood chipped and i wasnt 100% sure but i would alsmost swear it was the ass end of a wagon i saw going into it. another one bites the dust i guess.
There's a good handful of Civic Wagons here in SD. Some of the owners are on here, and I think they just prefer to be lurkers as well. I'm pretty sure that the rest of them know that they've got something special...
Here's a close up of that one I spotted in Los Angeles while I was waiting for another set of steelies to get finished up! Had a grip of armor-all on the tires and layers of back-to-black on the moldings. knobbies on the tires where thick and fresh... hahaa
i think your talking about that stupid show called " what a tool ! " were they crush like 2500 cars a day...and a school bus clogged it up...i also saw it...and yes it was a wagon... blur RT to be exact...i had to stop and rewind it and pause ( gotta love comcast DVR ) to make sure i was seeing it right...debated on getting up and taking a picture but was so lazy i saw it at like 3 in the morning haha...sad day
Someone should delete this one, and add to here to keep it clean.
If international members cant see I can screen shot it